The Other Side of Hollywood Part 1

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Julie's POV

The music was blasting loud, I sat backstage, as Flynn was rocking her DJing. I had found an outfit, locked away in my mom's old trunk. I was nervous, I wasn't sure we had that much time to rehearse the song. But it didn't matter because we were going to rock it, huh maybe I was starting to sound like Luke. Anyway even though I knew we were going to nail it, I was still a bit nervous.

Flynn ran over to me quickly. "So I'll announce that we're going on in an hour sounds good?"

"Yea" I nodded. "We're going to be great."

She smiled. "True, I'll be back." She ran back to her DJing and I listened.

I pecked out into the crowd, I saw Carrie and Nick dancing, they seemed like they were having fun, I wondered if Carrie's band had wanted to play the dance.

Flynn ran over to me after awhile, the crowd was still loud and having fun.

"You ready?" She asked me.

I didn't need to think about it, as nervous as I was, this was what I loved. I was ready.

"Yep, let's do this."

"Yes! My girl's back!" We linked arms and went out onto the stage.


Our performance was amazing! The crowd loved us. It felt great to be on stage again, I didn't know I missed it that much. After we had finished Flynn continued DJing till the party was over. I helped her pop the balloon decorations, before we left.

"We can crash at my place, and celebrate tonight!" Flynn cheered.

I sat on Flynn's bed as she walked around talking.

"So I guess Double Trouble is forever our band name." I sighed.

"Yep, just the way I wanted it!"

"We'll have to come up with more songs." I told her.

"Yeah, but we're good at that, anyway, how are the guys? Still hot? Still talented? Still dead?" Flynn joked.

"Yes, yes, and yes. They're fine, I don't get to see them much because I normally can't see them which sucks."

"I mean I guess but if anything you're lucky." She commented.

"How exactly?"

"Your best friends died, besides me and now you can still talk to them, even if it's only sometimes it's something!" Flynn exclaimed.

I laughed. "I guess you're right, I am pretty lucky."

"Yea, but let's talk about something else, like you and Luke."

"Flynn! No!"

She smiled. "Yea that's what I thought."

Overall it was a good night.

I wonder what the guys did?

Author's Note

Hi guys! Sorry this chapter is so short, there just wasn't much to say. 

Hope everyone has a Happy new year!!

Thank You :)

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