Wake Up part 2

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Luke's POV

As fast as Julie ran out, she ran back in almost instantly, but this time...

She could see us?

I made direct eye contact with her confused face, she stared at me carefully.

"Guys?" She whispered, but none of us could reply. This was so confusing, suddenly she ran up to us, so we ran to her but then she stopped.

"Julie?" I tried but she didn't reply.

"I swear I saw you." She said to herself, she clearly couldn't see us anymore.

"What happened?" Alex asked.

"I'm not sure." Reggie replied. Then Julie ran out again, I wanted to run after her to see if she was ok. But I knew it wouldn't make any difference.

"Huh, that's weird."

Julie's POV

They weren't there, I was crazy!

No, no I'm not crazy. I'm just missing them.

'We're all a little crazy'

The memory pierced my brain, I couldn't go back in there tonight I needed a break I'd try again tomorrow.

That night I fell asleep pretty fast, but the dream that came into my head was real. It was a memory.

"Julie!" Alex shouted, chasing after me, I laughed and ran fast. I skipped along the sidewalk.

"I thought you wanted to walk with us!" That was Luke's voice.

"I think you guys wanted to walk with me, you just can't keep up!" I shouted back at them. I knew they would make me late for my first day of third grade, but they insisted I walk with them. Then I realized they were missing a voice, when I stopped and turned back, Reggie was gone from the crowd. Suddenly someone scooped me into a hug lifting me off the ground.


He dropped me on the pavement and Alex and Luke came up behind us.

"Ha! We got you!" Alex cheered.

"Well technically Reggie got me."

"Well we told him to go the opposite way, to get you so, we got you!" Luke said. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, let's go before we're late." I told them and we ran off.


Luke's POV

That morning we watched Julie go to school then we decided to spend time talking about what happened. You know, our death.

"Ok so, here's what we have so far, we've been dead for a year, we're ghosts, and people well Julie can hear when we play instruments and maybe sometimes see us. Also none of us have the courage to check on our families." Alex said.

"Yep, that's all we've got." I agreed.

"So why could Julie see us?" Reggie questioned, I shrugged.

"She could only see us for a few seconds but she could definitely hear your drums before." I mentioned.

"Yea, I feel bad for her."

"I mean do you think she got back into music?" I asked.

"Did you see the dust on the piano? There's no way." Alex sighed.

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