Finally Free Part 2

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Luke's POV

I watched them slowly light a candle on top of a cake covered in chocolate frosting. My favorite. It was just one sole candle that burned brightly.

I blew it out, it was for me after all. I wanted them to see whatever message I was trying to send.

They lit the candle again, and this time they blew it out together. Tears flooded my eyes, and there's. I wanted so badly to talk to them, to tell them I was sorry, to tell them I was okay.

I watched them eat their cake, I left when it got too hard.

Julie's POV

Saying I was freaking out would be an understatement.

How could I forget Luke's birthday? He was one of my best friends. One of my dead best friends, but still! I had to do something, fix this somehow. But I only had two hours till I had to be on stage with Flynn, who was coming over in twenty minutes to practice for that performance.

Why is life so stressful?

I laid back on my bed and pressed my hands against my head. What was I going to do?

First step, talk to Alex and Reggie and pray Luke was still away.

Luckily when I got down to the studio I could actually see Reggie and Alex chatting on the couch.

"Guys!" They both looked up at me.

Reggie clapped, "Yay! Julie can see us again!"

I rolled my eyes and walked over to them, "Do you realize what today is?"

"I believe it's a Thursday." Alex said with a smirk.

"Yes, but it's also Luke's birthday, it seems we all forgot."

Alex and Reggie went pale.

"But," Alex stuttered, "No, we, we, but." He paused, "Yeah we forgot."

"What are we going to do?" Reggie asked.

"I don't know but we have to figure out something."

"Like a party or something?" Alex suggested.

"Something like that, but whatever it is we have to figure it out soon, because Flynn and I have a show in two hours."


I turned Flynn stood in the doorway wearing black baggy pants, a yellow top and an army print jacket and her dog purse. She had a confused look on her face.

"Are the guys here?" She asked.

"Alex and Reggie are." I explained.

She nodded and waved in a direction that was nowhere near where they were.

"I sense tension." She declared.

"I'll check you up."


After Flynn and I practiced, the four of us got to work. Which was hard because Flynn couldn't see them, and half the time I couldn't.

We ran out and bought streamers and party hats. Flynn and I hung a banner, with too much glitter that read 'Happy Birthday Luke!!!'. I already had a present ready, but the three of them scrambled something together. And sadly we couldn't have cake, but that was obvious.

We figured Luke would be back for our performance so we were hoping he'd come here first and if we didn't have enough time to celebrate we'd party after. But we were hoping to surprise him before.

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