I Got the Music Part 1

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Reggie's POV

It was so cool that Flynn could see us! But at the same time it was weird she couldn't see us after like Julie could. The rest of that night was pretty chill, the next day was a bit more fun.

We had planned to test how long Julie could see us.

Julie came in and waited on the couch for when she could see us. Which took awhile. We didn't want to play music because that could trigger it and we wanted clear results.

Julie set her phone up to record the time. Which reminded me I missed my phone.

"This is so boring!" I groaned. Alex and Luke looked at me.

"Chill Reggie!" Alex said.

Julie closed her eyes for a second, I could tell there was some thought in what she was doing. She opened back her eyes then smiled and tapped her phone starting the countdown.

"Ok, hey guys." We all looked at her.

"So, what should we do now?" She asked them.

"Good question." Alex replied.

"So are you and Flynn performing anywhere else?" I asked her.

"Not sure, but we've reformed Double Trouble." She said "But most of our songs are from when we were little so we definitely need new songs."

"Well we can help!" Luke exclaimed.

"Yea definitely."

A few more minutes went by then Julie sighed.

"Ok, you guys are gone." She tapped her phone then picked it up. "Ok so about ten minutes, tomorrow we'll see if it's the same or longer."

We nodded even though she couldn't see us.

Luke's POV

The next day we were supposed to meet Julie in the studio but they both bailed leaving just me. Which I didn't mind, a lot of the time when I was alive it was just me and her. I lived right next to her and also I was living in her studio for a little while.

Julie sat on the couch the same as yesterday, waiting, and I sat across from her. I was trying to write a song, I didn't know why. It's not like anyone would ever hear it but it didn't matter. But I was struggling, and the people who could help me with it weren't here right now to help. Except one, but she couldn't see me.

After a while I noticed Julie was doing the same thing, looking down at her notebook. She looked up for a minute, then tapped her phone.

"So it's just you today." She said, I put my notebook down.

"Yep, just me." I smiled.

"What were you working on?" She questioned.


"Luke..." She walked over to me and grabbed my notebook then walked away. I jumped up from my chair and followed her.

"Writing I see." She said.

"I was just..."

"Ooo, I like this one." she laughed. Then I walked over to where she was sitting and grabbed her notebook, causing her to drop mine.


"What you looked in my notebook." I shot back.

She sighed. "Fine."

"Are you trying to write something for you and Flynn?" I asked her, she nodded.

"Yeah, but it hasn't been going too well." She admitted. I looked at what she had written.

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