Wake Up Part 1

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Narrator's POV

It had been a year and Julie was now in tenth grade. It had been a year since she got the news. When she found out that they died. Her best friends.

Life hadn't gotten easier for her after that. Duh. All she had left was Flynn, who did her best to help here through it. But she had completely given up music. Between the guys and her mom, it was too painful.

But she knew today was her last chance to stay in her music program. What she didn't know was what she was going to do.

Julie's POV

I walked down the dull hallways of Los Feliz High school, trugging my feet to get to my locker. I grabbed my books, then closed my locker to see Flynn standing there waiting for me.

"Hey underachiever."

"Hey disappointment" I replied.

"Okay, I know you don't want me to ask, but have you figured out what you're gonna do today?" I sighed, of course I didn't know what I was going to do, my head was spinning from all the pressure.

"I'll know in the moment." I told her, and she rolled her eyes.

"Really, Jules? That's all you're giving me? Mrs. Harrison said this is your last chance."

"I know. I was there." I tried to remember that day, it was a painful memory.

"See you at the rally!" I turn to see Carrie, handing out papers.

"Ugh! What is she handing out?" Flynn growled.

"Desperation?" She came over to us then handed us the paper.

"Here you go. My group's performing at the spirit rally tomorrow. I'm sure you guys have nothing better to do."

I hated Carrie, she used to be my best friend but... that didn't go well.

"Oh my gosh, Carrie. Thanks!" Flynn said sarcastically.

"Oh my gosh, Flynn. Don't bother coming!" Carrie walked away as Flynn crumpled the paper. She turned to me.

"Now, let's go prove everybody wrong!" She grabbed my hand and we headed to class


My music class was pretty big, the walls were white but had a touch of red and blue for our school colors. I watched the other students perform, most of them were pretty good. When Nick finished performing, I felt an instant weight on my shoulders, I was next.

"Nice job, Nick. Almost as impressive as your game against Glendale." Mr. Harrison laughed, then looked at the crowd. "Okay, we have one last performance, Julie?" I stood up, then quietly made my way up to the front. I sat down at the piano.

"Take your time." She told me. I placed my hands on the keys, I held my breath. I was about to play but my mind filled. There was my mom, my boys, they were in my mind. But they weren't there now.

"I'm sorry." I stood up from the keys.

"Is this when we clap?" Carrie smiled, I ran out of the room, fast.

"Watch it, Carrie." I heard Flynn say then she ran after me.


"Oh good. You're home. I was about to go watch your brother's game. I've had photo shoots all day. Didn't even get a chance to eat. But... I got a phone call today." My dad was amazing, he was supportive, loving, and caring so I knew that me getting out of music would hurt him.

"Yeah, I figured as much."

"Yeah. Well, it was my Realtor friend."

"Oh, that."

"Yeah, and she says if we are serious about selling the house, then she wants me to take some pictures for the website. Which means we have to do a lot of cleaning and get rid of some stuff." I sighed, he meant the guys stuff. After they...died, Luke's parents found out he was living in the studio and they got very mad, most of his stuff was still here. Not to mention Alex and Reggie's stuff took up a lot of room too. I hadn't touched it since they left.

"And maybe you can... tackle the studio? You're the expert. You know, your brother and I wouldn't even know where to begin. It's okay, honey. If you're not ready, I..."

"No. It's alright. Maybe I'll try tonight." I didn't think I was ready but I couldn't let my dad or Carlos go through their stuff.

"Yeah? Awesome, mija. Thank you. Oh God. I'm gonna be late." He looked around for his keys, but clearly couldn't see them.

"Under the mail." I told her.

"You're a lifesaver." And with that he was off.

I pushed open the studio, the air from the last time I had been there came flooding back. Their instruments were still there, Alex's drums, Reggie's bass guitar, Luke's acoustic guitar.

My mom's piano stood in the middle of the room, I made my way over to it.

"I'm sorry mom, that I haven't been in here." I walked away from the piano, then moved to the boys instruments. I rubbed my eyes then saw one of their old CDs. As much as I didn't want to, I wanted to.

"One, two, three!" Alex's voice echoed through the garage.

"Take off last stop! Count down till we blast open the top!" Luke's voice came fast, but then the music cut off.

Luke's POV

There I was, a dark room, with Reggie and Alex.

We died.

But I couldn't think about that because, then we fell.

And before I knew it we were back in Julie's studio. My eyes widened because the second we entered Julie was there. Sitting with our instruments. But... she couldn't see us. Then it hit me, we were ghosts.

"Guys, we're ghosts," Alex said before I could.

"Yea I know."

"But why are we here?" Reggie asked. I didn't answer, I stared at Julie, she was crying silently to herself. Alex placed his hand down on his drum making a beat. But the noise seemed to scare Julie, she jumped up.

"What was that?" She said to her self. I looked at Alex, then motioned for him to hit it again. He did and Julie again got scared. He did it again, then Julie ran out screaming.

"Oops, I think we scared her." Reggie laughed.

"Why is there so much dust on our instruments, didn't we only die last night?" Alex questioned. I shrugged.

"Guys focus! We're dead! We're ghosts! This is crazy!" I exclaimed.

"I know, but it doesn't feel right." Suddenly Reggie disappeared, then came back. "Guys it's been a year! We died last year."

"Wait, where did you just go? And how do you know that?" Alex yelled.

"First, you guys need to watch more ghost movies, they can teleport and stuff! Second, I went to see where Julie went, so I checked her room, and I peeked at the calendar."

"This is so crazy!"

Julie's POV

I bolted from the studio the second I swear I could hear Alex's drums. My heart felt heavy, when I heard the noise I felt like they were there, but they couldn't be right?

I knew I had to go back in there, I had promised my dad I'd try to clean it out as best as I could. I held my breath, then went back in. But my heart skipped a beat because the guys were standing in front of me.

"Guys?" I managed to say. They looked as surprised as I must have, I ran over to them as fast as I could, they ran to me but just like that they were gone.

Author's Note

Hey guys! 

This chapter took me forever to write but I got it in in time so yay! 

Thank You :)  

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