Chapter 1

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The moment the woman walked into the bar, Kara knew there was going to be trouble

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The moment the woman walked into the bar, Kara knew there was going to be trouble. There wasn't anything out of the ordinary about her, but Kara had developed a sort of a sixth sense for this kind of thing. The only thing she couldn't figure out, unfortunately, was if she was an Eternal or not.

Finishing her gin and tonic, Kara got up and walked outside, hoping that that might minimize casualties if a fight was about to break out. Which it most likely was.

Unsurprisingly, the woman followed her. And very, very obviously. Clearly, she has not been trained in stealth. Or common sense.

Kara took a moment to breathe in the slightly chilly, fresh, night air and slowly made her way deeper into a dark, dingy alley that was right next to the bar. It was quite narrow, but it would be enough for a fight. It was at times like this she was glad she was a rather small person.

Reaching a moderately tall fence separating the alley from another one, Kara pulled her othrin dagger out of her leather jacket and turned around, making sure the woman saw the weapon. That seemed to have no effect on her, though.

"What do you want?" Kara asked when the woman continued to silently watch her, her face hidden in shadows. Despite this, Kara could tell she smiled.

"My boss wants me to bring you to him."

"Relioth is over and done with as far as I'm concerned," Kara snapped, glaring. She was so tired of running. She hadn't even really tried being inconspicuous, which was most likely how she'd been found. Dammit.

"Relioth?" She laughed. "Yes, I agree. Thankfully." Thankfully? Did no one like Relioth? That actually sounded about right. "But I was talking about Enor."

"Enor?" Kara repeated, frowning. "But Enor is dead."

"He was," the woman replied, and a chill went down Kara's back. Enor... was back? After all, she'd heard about him, she knew that was definitely a very bad thing. "And he chose you to be one of the few to receive his gift of immortality. I hope you know what an honor that is."

Kara glared once more. "He wants to turn me into an Eternal?"


"Why?" Kara glared harder.

"I wasn't told. I was simply asked to bring you to him."

"Well, you're not bringing me," Kara said firmly, gripping the handle of her dagger even more tightly, and backing away a little until her back touched the fence.

"I am going to, one way or the other," the woman said, pulling out her own weapon—a sword. Kara sighed quietly. She hadn't wanted to resort to this, but it seemed she would have to. In a split second, Kara dropped her dagger and pulled out her gun, shooting the woman in the forehead.

As expected, she was dead almost instantly, her eyes dimly glowing before they slid shut.

Kara picked up her dagger and groaned to herself. Great, now she needed to disappear before the police showed up. Or worse. She couldn't even stop to retrieve the bullet. As disgusting as it was, othrin was very hard to come by, and she couldn't afford to waste it like this.

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