Chapter 9

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"So we aren't following them?" Rayni asked for what felt like the hundredth time

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"So we aren't following them?" Rayni asked for what felt like the hundredth time. She just didn't get Mereria's point of view at all. How could she just let Nira and Nef go along whatever stupid idea they'd come up with?

Rayni wasn't even sure why she thought it was stupid, but she could tell. There was no way they were looking for Yorin for a different reason than wanting to join this fight somehow. And it wasn't their fight. Rayni had no clue whose fight it actually was because she didn't know who they were up against, but she knew she would be involved somehow. Also that there was no space for civilians in battles, no matter how small.

"No," Mereria answered, stirring her coffee with her spoon. It was something fancy too, the name of which Rayni couldn't even pronounce. Of course Mereria liked fancy coffee. Rayni was now convinced that the actual reason Mereria and Kaleth hated each other was because of how similar to each other they were. "It's not our business what they do."

"Of course it is. Someone has to watch them," Rayni grumbled, refusing to look at Mereria.

"Trying to stop them will only make them want to do it more. Whatever that might be. Just let it go, Rayni," Mereria said, taking a sip of her coffee. "We have more important things to focus on."

Rayni sighed, sagging into her chair. "Fine. I just don't get why you are so calm about all of this."

Mereria looked over at her, a slight smile on her face. "A few days ago, we managed the impossible. What are a few machines compared to that? These are clearly Tharos' Eternals who never accepted that I killed their original master. As much as I disapprove of how powerful Kaleth has become, I know losing this battle with him on our side is very unlikely."

Oh, right, Mereria had killed Enor. Rayni had almost forgotten about that, and now, with the added information that he had meant a lot to her.... Rayni fought the urge to at least give her a pat on the shoulder, no doubt an awkward one.

"You really think winning this will be easy-peasy, huh?" Rayni asked, some of the weight on her heart lifting. She used to have some ability of estimating these things, but now there were immortal, super powerful beings involved, and she hadn't fought enough Eternals to have any accuracy.

"Yes, I do," she said, that damned fond smile on her face again. At least it didn't look that sad anymore. Which meant it just warmed Rayni's heart. Stupid heart. "The only thing I worry about is.... Well, you know."

Rayni grimaced. She couldn't bring herself to deny Kaleth possibly going supervillain in the future, but she strongly disagreed. Kaleth was prissy, kinda arrogant, and a bit of a jerk sometimes, but he wasn't evil. She'd seen how he acted around her brother, and that was genuine love.

Perhaps a bit ridiculously sappy given both their ages, but either way, Kaleth wasn't faking that, and Rayni didn't care how much of a good actor the guy claimed to be. She knew what she was seeing.

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