Chapter 13

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Kaleth didn't get much time to stare at the huge aircraft above them before an unstoppable force threw him off Mel's back

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Kaleth didn't get much time to stare at the huge aircraft above them before an unstoppable force threw him off Mel's back.

He heard Mel yell out his name in his head as he hit the ground, crying out in pain as his bones broke in several places.

Kaleth pushed himself to heal them quickly, not even bothering to check which bones it were and grimacing as they knitted themselves back together. He slowly got up as the last stabs of pain left his body, but a second later he forgot he'd even fallen when he saw him.

In front of him was his father. But.... No, this wasn't his father, at least not him controlling the body. He was walking towards Kaleth, descending from the air while walking on nothing, as if there were an invisible staircase.

This was Enor. Just thinking that made Kaleth's heart beat so much faster. He knew he needed to kill him. But...this was his father. How could he kill him? No matter how much he hated him, he'd never been capable of doing it, even when Relioth had told him to.

Kaleth wondered if that had been some kind of training.

"Fascinating," was the first thing Kaleth's fath—Enor—said when he reached the ground. He was watching Kaleth analytically, as if he were an experiment that hadn't turned out how it should have. Oh, that was exactly what Kaleth was, wasn't it?

Wherever Relioth was, Kaleth hoped it wasn't this planet anymore.

He didn't reply, only drew his sword. He wasn't exactly at his best anymore, but he should still be more powerful. Enor didn't react to this in the slightest. That shouldn't have surprised Kaleth, but even through the Eternal's glow, he couldn't not see his father, and his father was a very angry man.

"You are like a mirror of a worse version of myself," Enor summed up Kaleth's entire being, which really just made Kaleth want to stab him right there and then.

"I'm nothing like you," Kaleth replied coldly, which did nothing to Enor's permanent lack of emotional expression.

"Yes, nothing like I am now. But you are who I used to be. Did Tharos not explain this to you when they made you?" This time Enor did at least raise an eyebrow as he started to slowly circle Kaleth. Seeing that on his father's face, coupled with the fact that supposedly Kaleth was just a copy of someone else, and he had to swallow down his discomfort.

"Or he I should say, I suppose. Tharos always did like switching." Kaleth blinked, trying to imagine it. Then he remembered Relioth griping about not being able to use nail polish because he wouldn't be taken seriously and suddenly, Kaleth had no problem believing it anymore.

Kaleth wondered where Mel was, but he couldn't contact him with all the mental barriers he had built around his mind to keep Enor out. He just hoped Mel's absence only meant that he'd gone to hide.

Kaleth sighed. No, that would never happen, would it?

"What do you want?" Kaleth asked, suddenly feeling very tired. He would have already tried to kill Enor, but with him looking like his father—in his usual suit and tie as well—Kaleth just couldn't do it. He needed Enor to attack him, but the only thing he was attacking him with were details that would no doubt soon cause Kaleth to have another existential crisis. Not just yet though, he was good at pushing uncomfortable thoughts away and burying them.

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