Chapter 22

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Kaleth cried out as Mel basically tackled him into a hug

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Kaleth cried out as Mel basically tackled him into a hug. Oh gods, what the hell was wrong with his chest?

"Oh, I'm so, so, so sorry," Mel stammered out, letting go of Kaleth's chest but keeping a hold on his hands. "I'm just so happy you're awake," he practically yelled, grinning so widely it must have been hurting him. His eyes were still leaking tears though, and that made Kaleth more than a little concerned.

He closed his eyes for a moment, feeling the pain in his head spike. He coughed as he moved up a bit so he could sit up, ignoring the horrible pain that brought with it. Mel ended up helping him.

"W-what...happened?" Kaleth tried very hard to recall anything, but it was all such a blur. He'd fought Enor, hadn't he? And...he'd stabbed him.

"You...don't remember?" Mel asked, frowning and worrying his lip. "You, well, you teleported."

Kaleth blinked at Mel, trying to make use of his muddled brain to process that. Not that it was working. "I.... How?"

Mel just shrugged before starting to babble. "Oh gods, I was so, so worried about you. I thought you weren't going to wake up, or that your mind was damaged, or something, and I just, I didn't know how to...."

He didn't finish his thought before giving Kaleth a kiss and then another one on the forehead. He brushed Kaleth's hair off his forehead, and then kissed his cheek. Kaleth couldn't help but smile, albeit very weakly. He was incredibly tired, and in pain. In fact even keeping his eyes open was quite the task. He couldn't remember feeling this way anymore.

"I missed you so much," Mel finished, lowering his head, his hands on Kaleth's shoulders. He sniffed, and finally wiped his eyes. Kaleth's heart clenched painfully. He hated causing Mel distress.

"I'm so sorry, love, I—"

"No, not your fault, no," Mel said, looking right into Kaleth's eyes. Oh gods, why were Mel's so beautiful? Particularly when he got like this. That determined spark in them was really something. Kaleth realized he shouldn't be thinking about that right now, but he couldn't help himself.

"I'm so glad you're okay," Mel whispered, his eyes sliding shut as more tears flowed down his cheeks. Kaleth raised his arms to wipe them off, ignoring the sharp pain it caused. Why hadn't he healed yet?

Kaleth frowned, focusing on the wound. He hadn't really made a conscious effort to heal himself before, it had always been mostly automatic, but he did know what to do. That didn't seem to work, though. Kaleth gritted his teeth, trying to heal the wound regardless of that, but he just ended up exhausting himself. Kaleth sighed, a dull ache in his heart because of his weakness. Almost dying by his own blade must have really drained him.

Apparently knowing exactly what the problem was, Mel put a hand over Kaleth's chest, his eyes lighting up with blue light. "I've tried to finish healing you, but I couldn't do it completely."

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