Chapter 25

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Nef really hadn't expected this to turn out this freaking badly

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Nef really hadn't expected this to turn out this freaking badly. He knew it would be pretty damned terrible, but this took the cake. Not only had he and Yorin not managed to find Nira, Rayni, and Mereria, but Yorin ended up being discovered due to the glitchiness of the invisibility bracelets, effectively ending their mission even before they could get to the halfway point.

Nef had to force himself not to kick the wall then. He was sitting in a corner somewhere, trying to formulate some kind of plan to fix this. But what the hell could he do? He was surrounded by Eternals.

Nef sighed, taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes. Okay, what could he do? He was undetectable as long as he kept quiet, or as long as the invisibility didn't bug out, which was probably going to happen sooner or later. He also had an othrin dagger, though the idea of using it to kill someone wasn't exactly appealing.

Nef shook his head. If everything went well, he wouldn't have to kill anyone. Which was a big if, but anyway, Nef was willing to bet that there was a floor or two where prisoners were stashed. He just needed to figure out where that was. Which given how huge this place was, he was probably more likely to die of thirst, but Nef would have to try to stay positive here.

He had to focus on what he had and knew, and he did know for a fact that this floor wasn't the right one. He'd seen Enor's Eternals drag Yorin to what looked like an elevator, which made sense. Why would an aircraft have stairs? But where were the elevators?

Nef got up, immediately looking at his hand in some paranoid need to make sure the bracelet wasn't glitching just yet. Of course, it wasn't, so he couldn't actually see it, but Nef narrowed his eyes at the vague space it occupied, anyway. What was causing that glitch, anyway? It had been bothering him since they'd found out about it.

To add to the confusion, as far as Nef remembered, it hadn't happened to him yet since Yorin had been captured. And he'd been hiding on and off for at least an hour. Since Yorin.... Wait....

Surely it wasn't because he wasn't around any Eternals, was it? It couldn't be that simple.

Nef snorted to himself. Of course it would turn out to be that way. It was always the simplest of answers that he completely missed, wasn't it? But how could he prove this? There wasn't an Eternal he could test his theory on.

Nef froze. Hm.... Or was there? There had been those tubes of Eternal energy all around, maybe that would be enough? Nef sighed. He really, really wanted to go get Nira and the others, but he would have to take this detour. If he could be sure that as long as he stayed away from Eternals, he would remain undetectable, he needed to know.

He turned around, heading back where he and Yorin had seen the crates full of the tubes. Easily avoiding two Eternals on his way, Nef quickly made it to the huge, warehouse-like room. Even before he touched one of the boxes, he could easily notice the outline of his body got a bit more noticeable.

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