Chapter 21

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Mel sniffed as he took Kaleth's hand into his own

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Mel sniffed as he took Kaleth's hand into his own. He'd done what he could with cleaning and dressing Kaleth's wound, and he thought he'd done an okay job even though he barely had any medical praxis, but Mel didn't think it really mattered. The wound was healed up enough now for Kaleth not to be bleeding. Not even a little. It wasn't the wound keeping him unconscious, Mel was sure of that, but he had no idea what to do with that information. He wished he could at least get some kind of sign that would tell him Kaleth was going to be okay. Just anything at all. Mel blinked as his eyes started to burn.

He should never have let Kaleth get hurt. He should have flown to him more quickly. He should have.... He should have done more.

Swallowing, Mel wiped his eyes as tears rolled down his cheeks. His heart hurt so much. He really just wanted to hide somewhere and cry, but he couldn't bear even thinking about leaving Kaleth's side. He knew it was ridiculous, but he felt like if he wasn't there, Kaleth might...get worse. Even though no matter where in this base he went, he would feel their connection, no matter how weak it was right now, and he would know Kaleth was alive and safe.

Mel sighed, closing his eyes and trying to even out his breathing. Almost subconsciously, his fingers found Kaleth's wrist, making sure the pulse was still there. To Mel's tiny relief, it seemed steadier than back in the woods. At least that was something.

He was almost scared of opening his eyes again, afraid that seeing his love so broken and vulnerable would just make him cry again. So instead he tried reaching out towards Kaleth's mind. Which honestly wasn't much better, but at least the constant swirl of colors and feelings was still enough for Mel to remind himself that Kaleth wasn't dead and neither was his subconsciousness. Even if it was very alarming to touch it without a single barrier. As much as Mel wished Kaleth would be this open with his mind, or at least let down his guard once in a while, this was not the reason Mel wanted it to happen.

If Kaleth's mind was fully there, he would no doubt have used the little strength he had to protect most of his memories and thoughts, but as it was, there was no need for mental barriers. There was nothing tangible in Kaleth's head right now. Except a vague set of emotions. And they switched a lot, never really staying around long enough for Mel to identify them fully.

Mel was about to retreat when suddenly, he felt a pull on his mind as Kaleth's jumble of feelings and half-thoughts calmed down a bit. Mel's eyes snapped open, staring at Kaleth in shock for a moment before grinning, even as his eyes continued to produce tears he didn't let fall.

Kaleth's face remained unchanged, but he was clearly reacting to Mel's presence in his mind, and that was proof enough for Mel to completely disregard what Relioth's Eternal had said. Kaleth wasn't almost braindead, clearly.

Mel actually wasn't completely sure what that meant, but he had a good enough idea. He had watched hospital TV shows.

Venturing back inside Kaleth's mind, Mel went a little deeper this time, testing the waters. He didn't want to distress Kaleth by going too far too quickly, not to mention that, while it was unlikely, Mel might stumble upon something Kaleth wouldn't want him to see. And Mel wouldn't betray Kaleth's trust like that. Or in any other way at all.

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