Chapter 14

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"This seems like a bad idea," Alor whispered as he followed Kara into the supermarket's storage room

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"This seems like a bad idea," Alor whispered as he followed Kara into the supermarket's storage room. Kara sighed, rolling her eyes for what felt like the tenth time over the last hour.

"I never said it was good. Now be quiet. You might not need to eat anymore, but I do."

Kara still had trouble believing they were both still alive. She could count defeating the three Eternals in the base as pure luck, given that they had been too shocked by her attacking them to react in time. It had also helped that they had clearly been in the same situation as Alor, given that they hadn't used any of the powers they should have possessed.

But for the next few days, they had managed to avoid capture completely. And Kara very highly doubted that no one was looking for them. It was just impossible. These people—Enor—they wanted to make her serve him. And Alor too of course.

She hadn't wanted to accept it, but yesterday, Enor had basically taken over Enoria, in a very uncaring manner. He'd appeared on TV, telling everyone that their creator had returned, and offered eternal life to whoever he deemed worthy. Naturally, most of the government had been deemed worthy. As was the army. And despite hearing many people worry, despair, and grumble, unsurprisingly no one wanted to rise up against another change of management.

Many were even happy about the promise of immortality. As if it were something a person should want.

But the most bizarre of all—most things were business as usual. Kara would think the coming of a dictator would change something, but for the regular person, it mostly just meant asking existential questions.

Despite this, Kara had felt so hopeless when she'd seen all of this happen, and she felt hopeless still. But she wasn't done living yet, so for now she'd focus on surviving until she could figure something out. She wished she could find out somehow if Kaleth and the others were still alive. But given what she'd seen was happening in Irithara, she was having doubts.

It hurt her to think about it, but she had to stay realistic.

She sighed again as she grabbed a couple of cans of soup from the shelves of the dim storage room. Tomato with rice. Her stomach gurgled. Stupid bodily needs.

"Is this enough?" Alor whispered, making Kara turn her head to him. He was holding at least ten cans of meat. The kind you didn't know what animal it was made of and you didn't care.

Despite herself, Kara smiled slightly. She'd never been alone with Alor for so long, and it was kind of nice. He was an idiot, but he was always trying to look at things from a more positive point of view.

That was incredible, actually, given what he was going through. He'd remembered some things, but most of his past was still a mess. Kara was convinced he just needed some visual help, but everyone Alor knew was either dead, or out of reach for now.

"Yeah, this is good. For a couple of days at least," Kara replied, grabbing some more soup. Chicken this time. Good, she liked chicken soup.

She hadn't stolen food since she was a teenager. It was incredibly odd to do it now, but it was either this or hunt something, and she didn't feel like doing all that work for a little meat. Or too much of it. Either one was bad.

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