Chapter 31

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Kaleth glared at the suppression bracelet he was holding in his hand

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Kaleth glared at the suppression bracelet he was holding in his hand. Did he really want to risk using this just because Relioth said he needed to? Elrin seemed to believe what Relioth was saying, and Kaleth himself hadn't managed to find a logical flaw in it, but Elrin wasn't exactly an unbiased party. But then again, neither was Kaleth.

Unfortunately, there was no one here with a neutral opinion of Relioth, so there wasn't an unbiased party to ask. Mel seemed dead set against it, though, unsurprisingly. And that was really bothering Kaleth more than he was willing to show. But he would have to do this. The longer they let Enor do whatever he wanted, the more difficult it would be to stop him.

If Relioth wanted to stab Kaleth in the back in some petty need for revenge, so be it. Kaleth would just have to make sure to bring someone with him as backup to make sure Relioth wouldn't be able to escape. If Kaleth had to choose between killing Relioth and letting him get away, he knew which one he would pick. Relioth was too much of a risk to keep alive.

"Kaleth, a word?" Alor's voice suddenly interrupted Kaleth's thoughts. He'd been on his way to get Relioth, so he'd assumed he'd see Alor again, but not quite this soon. Frowning, Kaleth followed Alor to a nearby storage room. This base seemed to have a lot of them.

"What did Relioth do?" asked Kaleth when Alor didn't say anything for a few seconds. Alor blinked at him.

"Huh? Oh, um, nothing."

Kaleth narrowed his eyes. Well, that was clearly a lie, but why would Alor even feel a need to lie about this?

"But, um, that's not related," Alor said, clearing his throat. Kaleth sighed quietly. He wasn't the most patient person on good days, and today was not a good day.


Alor looked away, sighing. "I'm sorry."

Kaleth stared at him, unblinking for several very long seconds. That was not at all what he'd been expecting him to say. "W-what?"

"I...." Alor let another sigh, this time an annoyed one. "I'm sorry, alright? For how...things have been between us since...always."

Kaleth continued to stare at him. He was pretty sure his mouth was hanging open at this point, but he couldn't get it together to close it. This was surreal. Never had Kaleth imagined that Alor would even address this, much less take the blame onto himself like that. And he shouldn't—this was all on Kaleth.

"You're sorry," Kaleth repeated, raising his eyebrows. Alor just nodded, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. "For me causing the death of your father?"

Alor shrugged, which, honestly, was almost comical in this situation. Kaleth kept a straight face though, despite the absurdity of the situation. Because this was incredibly serious, no matter how much his brain didn't seem to be able to make sense of it. He just narrowed his eyes, frowning a little. The timing of this was a bit suspicious, as well.

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