Chapter 5

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Kara braced herself as the car landed, seemingly in the middle of nowhere

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Kara braced herself as the car landed, seemingly in the middle of nowhere. All that was here was sand and cacti. And it was cold, very cold. Kara shivered as Alor led her by her seemingly locked handcuffs outside.

So far he'd gotten into character well enough, which was great, but it also meant Kara couldn't ask if he knew where he was going. He seemed to know, but maybe he was just acting well. Kara had no idea how good of an actor he was because they'd never gone undercover together before.

After a moment, Kara noticed the silhouette of a person watching them, and she had to assume this was a member of this organization, willing or not. But it still didn't explain why they were here. To complete her image as a prisoner, Kara glared at the back of Alor's head with all the fury she could muster but stayed silent. She didn't need to call attention to herself right now.

"Name?" the man asked when they approached him. The fact that he was wearing a t-shirt and jeans in this weather was kind of amusing, but Kara kept glaring. That was what she would have done if this situation was out of her control.

"Kara Lira," answered Alor. Kara blinked a bit. She'd thought he'd been asking for Alor's name, but now she realized that had been a foolish thought.

"The Luxarx agent," the man said, nodding as he stared at his tablet. The faint light coming from it illuminated the man's face, but Kara couldn't recognize him, so she studied the tablet itself. It was as thin as a sheet of paper. Not exactly conventional. How did it not break? "Bring her to room 242, then report back here."

Then he touched the tablet and behind him, the loud sound of metal grinding on metal was heard as the sand quickly poured away, revealing a dark metal door that had slid from the ground up. Kara stared at it with wide eyes for a moment. Then she scoffed at herself. The Umbra have similar hideouts, and theirs were even invisible. This shouldn't faze her at all at this point.

Feeling Alor tug at the handcuffs, she glared again and followed him, stepping towards the slowly opening door. It was kind of painstaking, and on top of that, some kind of animalistic instinct kept telling her to run, to get away as far as she could. As if, deep down, she knew she wasn't coming back out again. At least not the way she was now.

Taking a deep breath, she waited for Alor to go inside, and she did the same, closing her eyes. When she opened them a second later, she was momentarily blinded by the lights inside the...what even was this? A compound? A base?

As they walked down a short flight of stairs, Kara looked around. It simply looked like a large tunnel with many, many doors on each side of it. The dark gray walls didn't exactly make the place seem more pleasant either.

"He said 242, right?" Alor asked when the door behind them slid closed, leaving them in silence. Actually, no, not complete silence—there was a quiet humming, somewhere beneath them. That was not worrying at all.

"Yes, but it doesn't matter, Alor. We need to find a command center, a computer—anything I can get some information from."

He looked at her blankly.

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