Chapter 20

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Rayni had really been expecting this to be harder, but she wasn't going to complain about it

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Rayni had really been expecting this to be harder, but she wasn't going to complain about it. Finding where the aircrafts were originating from was very easy because all they had to do was follow them, and then they simply stealthily killed the Eternal in one of the aircrafts currently on the ground and got in. The aircraft was barely big enough for two passengers, which was ridiculous since they weren't that small.

But Rayni supposed calling the space inside them small wasn't entirely fair because they apparently had a lot of storage space. Filled with metal crates, which contained gods knew what. And honestly, Rayni didn't care—she just wanted to see her brother and Kaleth safe and sound and get out of Enor's aircraft as soon as possible.

She of course didn't think it would be that simple, but she also didn't think that their mission was too ambitious to be impossible. Yorin had given them invisibility bracelets, which had so far helped immensely. It was one thing to sneak up on a person, and a completely different thing when that person wouldn't be able to see you, even if they were somehow alerted to your presence. Though it had already glitched out on Rayni twice, and while she'd been warned that might happen, it was still putting Rayni on edge. A really unlucky timing of a glitch could make her presence be known, and that could be disastrous.

She sighed, trying to will her rapidly beating heart to calm down. Even though Yorin had said that the invisibility field could be stretched between more people, Rayni still wished they had two more for Mel and Kaleth. To make sure they'd stay invisible, she and Mereria were going to have to keep, if possible, both hands on them, and they would also have to be very close at all times. And that just sounded difficult if the whole place would be crawling with Eternals.

"Brace yourself," Mereria said, finally breaking the silence after the entire trip back to Aleara. Rayni nodded, turning on the invisibility. Rayni squinted at Mereria, trying to see the small shimmer in the air making up her silhouette. Rayni really hoped this would be good enough to fool everyone.

Shadow fell over both of them as they approached Enor's aircraft, and Rayni somehow tensed up even more. She swallowed as they headed towards one of the round holes in the aircraft's side. She could tell Mereria wasn't happy about this either. Rayni almost wanted to go back just then, but even though she would have rejected the thought immediately anyway, it was far too late now.

The aircraft landed in a huge hangar, full of the same crates they had brought with them, and other aircrafts, dozens of them. What was in these crates?

"Othrin," Mereria whispered into Rayni's ear after they sneaked out of their aircraft. Rayni had no idea how Mereria even knew where Rayni's ear was right now. "Enor must be mining it."

That made sense to Rayni. Wasn't Irithara full of the stuff? Or, well, fuller than Enoria at least. Rayni wished they could grab some, but they had more important things to do now.

She looked around. There didn't seem to be much to the huge, empty space surrounded by metal walls—it was just that, a hangar. And apparently a warehouse also. So they definitely had to go somewhere else. They wouldn't find Mel here.

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