Chapter 24

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When Kaleth woke up, he actually did feel a little better

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When Kaleth woke up, he actually did feel a little better. Well no, that was a lie—he felt a lot better. He was still not on board with this plan, even if he could see its necessity, but at least he didn't feel like he couldn't walk from one side of this base to the other without collapsing.

He was slightly concerned by seeing Mel asleep in the chair next to his bed, though. He was of course happy to see him get some rest as well, but he didn't need to sleep. And he'd said he'd wait for Kaleth to wake up, which basically meant watching him sleep, which would still be quite disconcerting if Mel's presence wasn't making Kaleth feel more at peace. And Kaleth doubted it was just Mel—it was probably that bond of theirs as well.

Kaleth decided to let him nap, and he got up, yawning. He really needed to get started on trying to get to Relioth before he really, fully thought through what he was going to do. In theory it sounded so simple. No one besides Enor could truly challenge Kaleth at full power at this point, which would be great if he in fact were at full power. Which he definitely was not.

But if Elrin was to be believed, Enor supposedly had a large number of Eternal energy just stored away for Kaleth to use to get to full power. Or perhaps even increase it. He wasn't sure how that worked, given that he'd never tried absorbing more power while drained.

Though, perhaps absorbing Irif counted as that. Damn Relioth for not explaining this to him at all. Having been pretending he was being controlled into helping Relioth, Kaleth hadn't tried asking too many questions out of fear of Relioth becoming suspicious of him. In retrospect, he probably hadn't needed to worry. Relioth was so arrogant that he missed completely obvious things at all times.

Kaleth gracefully ignored the fact that he'd fallen in the exact same trap more than once as well.

"Ah, Kaleth, you're awake," Elrin said before Kaleth could even fully realize she was in the hallway he was walking through. Good, he wouldn't need to waste even more time looking for her.

"You said you have bottled Eternal energy," Kaleth replied, eager to get things moving. Elrin smirked, though her eyes weren't as amused as they should have been. Instead, there was something akin to badly masked worry.

"Yes, follow me," she said, turning around and strolling towards a room Kaleth hadn't been in before. Though they all looked the same anyway. This one seemed to be some kind of storage room, judging by the lack of any kind of furniture or anything at all, aside from metal crates. It seemed that wherever Eternals took up residence, these crates were there as well. "You're always ready to get down to business."

Kaleth shook his head. "The fate of this world isn't something you can exactly put off."

Elrin just hummed as she opened a smaller box on the right, revealing a glass tube filled with blue light. It was very close to Mel's in color. Kaleth wasn't sure if he liked that or not. On one hand it was comfortingly familiar, on the other consuming Mel's energy was about the last thing Kaleth wanted to do.

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