Chapter 34

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Kaleth had expected to be completely exhausted, and probably not even where he'd wanted to go after that teleportation, but he was more or less all right

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Kaleth had expected to be completely exhausted, and probably not even where he'd wanted to go after that teleportation, but he was more or less all right. He was just a little dazed as he stumbled through the portal he'd created, and he wasn't given any time to collect his bearings as the sound of gunfire assaulted his ears.

He was...outside? Yes, he was standing on a snow-covered hill overlooking a barely recognizable burning town. And not just burning—there were bomb craters and ruined buildings everywhere. But Kaleth could tell he was in the right place—he could feel Mel was quite close. That was both good, and very, very concerning.

"Yikes. Enor is going all out, isn't he?" Relioth said behind him, and Kaleth resisted an urge to flinch. For a moment he'd forgotten who he was here with.

He ducked automatically as an aircraft flew over their heads, no doubt noticing them immediately. Several more followed, forcing Kaleth to quickly run towards a cluster of trees at the bottom of the hill. Enor might know they were here, but there was no reason to remain here as a trivial target.

Behind him, Relioth asked if Kaleth was sure about what he was doing, but Kaleth was barely listening to him. If Relioth wanted to run away like a coward, he was more than welcome to. In fact, Kaleth would prefer it that way. He didn't trust Relioth in the least, and no matter how much of an asset in a fight he could be, Kaleth wasn't convinced it was worth it. But he didn't have a choice right now—Relioth tended to do whatever he wanted.

Scanning the horizon for any signs of life, Kaleth glared at the remains of the town. The destruction was the worst kind of stunning. None of the buildings in sight were left intact, with most being reduced to just a pile of rubble and ash. All of it was slowly being covered up by snow, but that didn't make the sight any less gruesome.

"What are you planning on doing?" Relioth whispered behind him. Kaleth sighed and turned around.

"Find Mel and the others, kill whoever stands in the way of doing so, get to safety."

Relioth huffed out an amused laugh. "That is somehow the most Enor and un-Enor thing I have ever heard you say."

Kaleth's face twisted into a snarl as he grabbed Relioth by the lapels of his suit jacket and slammed him into the tree behind him. "I am. Not. Enor!"

Relioth just raised an eyebrow at him, unbothered by Kaleth basically attacking him. Kaleth shook his head and let go. This was pointless. He needed to find anyone still alive in that Umbra base. Or perhaps outside of it—they could have left, and most likely had, given that Kaleth was certain the craters must have uncovered the base.

As Kaleth was about to take a step towards the ruined town, Relioth grabbed his wrist. "Wait, you still have that bracelet."

Kaleth blinked, staring at the suppression bracelet with surprise. He'd almost completely forgotten it was still there. Relioth waved a finger, making the thing fall to the ground, and Kaleth sighed, his shoulders sagging. It was amazing how lighter he felt immediately with nothing sapping his strength away anymore.

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