Chapter 23

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After they had gone back to the hideout, it was hours later, but Kaleth still wasn't sure he was up to discussing what they were going to do next

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After they had gone back to the hideout, it was hours later, but Kaleth still wasn't sure he was up to discussing what they were going to do next. But his feelings towards it didn't matter. Enor needed to be stopped, and Kaleth had no choice but to try to help with whatever the Director—er, Elrin—was thinking of doing. And he was aware she was great at planning and strategizing, even if he hadn't always agreed with what those plans involved. This would no doubt include some of that as well.

So far, Kaleth had managed to avoid an awkward conversation with Alor or Kara, but since they were all sitting at the same, circular table, the awkwardness was still rather present. Kara mostly just frowned at Kaleth, not revealing at all what she was thinking, and Alor looked something between guilty, angry, and confused. It was a very strange mix of emotions, but it was understandable. Kaleth himself was having a hard time accepting that Alor was an amnesiac Eternal now, but from a tactical standpoint, it was probably for the best.

Though that didn't mean Kaleth didn't feel terrible for even thinking that. His relationship with Alor had always been complicated, but Kaleth certainly didn't want this to be his fate. Hopefully, he would at least regain his memories in time.

At least he had his mother here. Orina's feelings towards Kaleth's presence were, unlike Kara's, very easy to read, and they were the same as ever. She was glaring at him. Kaleth mostly didn't look in her direction, too tired to bother glaring back. She'd never liked him, mostly due to his preferences, so it wasn't that their relationship had dramatically changed after her husband had been killed, so Kaleth was used to this. But that didn't make it any less tiresome.

Though perhaps he did derive some sick pleasure out of her seeing him with Mel. He could almost feel her seethe. And there was no doubt in Kaleth's mind that there would be a fight sooner or later.

Besides everyone already mentioned there were also a couple of Umbra soldiers, who really didn't seem comfortable with the situation, but they didn't say anything.

"I still stand by my original plan," said Elrin after she quickly summed up the situation. Though it had been a tad bit pointless since everyone already knew what was going on, even Kaleth. "Relioth could help us."

Kaleth almost flinched when he heard that. "What?"

Next to him, Mel seemed equally miffed at this idea.

"When you teleported, I thought you were him," said Elrin, folding her arms on the table in front of her. "Relioth knows Enor better than anyone. And I think he doesn't want him to be here any more than any of us. We just need to find—"

"Oh, I know where he is," Kaleth said, scowling at Elrin. This was definitely the kind of plan she would come up with, yet this time it was unacceptable, in Kaleth's opinion. This was Relioth. Did she forget that he'd killed thousands of people? That Kaleth knew of, anyway. If Relioth really was as old as he claimed, it could have been hundreds of thousands. Even if Relioth did agree to help them, why should they want his help in the first place? And speaking of which.... "Enor has him prisoner in that aircraft of his. So I don't think it's an option."

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