Chapter 32

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"What the hell is that?" yelled Nef over the muffled sounds of what were definitely explosions above them

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"What the hell is that?" yelled Nef over the muffled sounds of what were definitely explosions above them. It wasn't long after Kaleth had finally saved them from their horrible fate of listening to Relioth either. They really couldn't catch a break, could they?

"I'd say Enor found us," Alor answered the rhetorical question. Nef would have added a snarky comment, but as the ground continued to shake and he was forced to lean onto the metal table, he really wasn't in the right mood to do it.

"Right, great," Nef forced out finally, watching the lights above them flicker for a moment. How well built was this Umbra base again? It seemed to be handling itself well enough so far, despite clearly being bombed, but that couldn't last forever, surely. Though Nef sure hoped it would. "What do we do?"

Nira and Alor answered that at the same time, though their answers were vastly different.

"We fight back, obviously!"

"We wait it out."

Immediately, the two looked at each other with matching looks of I can't believe you just said that. And unfortunately, since Nef was sitting between them, it kind of felt like they were looking at him this way.

Another explosion went off above their heads, somehow even louder than ever before. Was Nef just getting more sensitive to it or were they somehow getting closer to the base itself? Was there a crater already? What kind of bombs was Enor using?

Ugh, so many questions again.

"We can't just sit here and hope they go away," Nira argued, scowling at Alor. And Nef was inclined to agree, no matter how unsettling it was to see her eyes flash white as she said that. It wouldn't be that bad if it hadn't been Relioth's energy she was using.

"What can we do out there? They are throwing down bombs," Alor argued back, springing up and leaning forward onto the table. He was putting on his big brother frown too. Nef did his best to ignore the argument as Nira got up as well, standing directly opposite his brother. And he also tried to ignore the sounds of explosions and flickering lights, which was easier said than done.

Both Alor and Nira were right—they couldn't go out there because they would be killed instantly. Well, Nef would be killed instantly. He wasn't sure about Nira or Alor anymore. But they couldn't just let Enor's people attack the base and do nothing, right?

The lights shut off as another explosion, this one so much more ear-piercing than all the rest combined, went off, throwing them into darkness. Nef flinched, blinking as he tried to see anything. But it was useless. With the base being underground, there was just no light at all.

At least the explosions seemed to have gotten farther away again. That either meant that Enor's people were really bad at aiming, or that they didn't know precisely where they were. Both of those options sounded pretty good to Nef, relatively speaking.

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