October 1 (Day 1: Hunted)

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The Admins AU context: Elan is the admin of the Rainbow Quest universe, Steve Saga universe, Twisted Rainbow universe and the other universes that he created. The Sabres are his creation/sons, including the Shadow Sabres.
Context: There creatures called Viruses and Glitches send by True Herobrine (crepypasya Herobrine). They are in Rainbow Quest universe, and Sabre has to go back in, secretly. He was supposed to hunt them down but the hunter becomes the hunted.

In the Admins World, Elan's house
Elan was in his work room, checking on his universes. He notice that the Rainbow Quest universe have viruses and glitches.

Elan: "Making a move, I see."

He made his screen disappear and walk out his work room. He walk past, Box's and Lava's work room, Infinite Rinzler's work room, Blue's Stories work room. He can hear each and every one of them working to make sure their universes are safe. He continued to walk until he reach one of his son's room. He open RQ Sabre's door and see him sitting on his bed, checking on RQ Origin Steve. He look up from his screen to see his father, standing at the doorway.

RQ Sabre: "What do you want, father?"
Elan: "I have a mission for you."

RQ Sabre make his screen disappear and get off of his bed. Elan teleport them to the Portal Room. It was filled with multiple portals, each and every one goes through a different dimension. Some of the admins and player are in or out of the portal. In the middle of the room, there are seats for admins to wait on their creations. Elan and RQ Sabre walk to the Rainbow Quest portal.

Elan: "There are viruses and glitches in the first timeline of Rainbow Quest. Kill their leader and then the rest of them. Do not let the others know that you are back."
RQ Sabre: "Yes, father."
Elan: "I wish you good luck, my son."

Elan walk to the seats and sit down. He watch RQ Sabre go through the portal.

RQ Sabre have arrived in the Rainbow Quest universe. He walk around the forest to find the glitches or viruses. He found a group of viruses and glitches, 3 glitches and 3 viruses. They were watching a group of colorless guards. RQ Sabre killed them, quietly and quick. He slit the last viruses by the throat. The bodies of the glitches and viruses disappear. He continued to kill viruses and glitches throughout the forest.

He have now caught sight of their leader. He approached their leader quietly as possible. From the corner of his eye, he have notice a virus was coming at him from the trees. He have dodge them, but his stealth was no more.

Vile: "Look what we have here, the savior of this world. The name is Vile, and I know who you are."
RQ Sabre: "You shouldn't be here in the first place!"
Vile: "I would run, if I were you."

RQ Sabre realized the situation, the hunter becomes the hunted. He ran away from Vile.

Vile look at his fellow glitches and viruses.

Vile: "Get him, alive."

The chase was on. RQ Sabre continued to run while dodging and killing viruses and glitches that got close to him. He ducked and kill a virus, when they swung from a branch of a tree. He was jumping over root on the ground, ducking from branches that could have blocked him. He was looking around to find a spot to hide. He have found a cave and try to shake of the glitches and viruses, on his tail. He reach the cave and go deeper. He drop to the ground and catching his breathe. His white and green sword drop next to him.

RQ Sabre: "Why did I thought this would be an easy mission."

He can hear Vile from the outside of the cave.

Vile: "Oh RQ Sabre, have enough yet. You could surrender and we can stop this hunt. Come out wherever you are."

RQ Sabre grab his sword and carefully walk out of his hiding spot. He saw the perfect opportunity to throw his sword straight through Vile's heart. He ran to Vile and push him to the ground. He take out his sword and roll Vile over to see him clutching his heart. Blood was coming out of Vile's mouth.

Vile: "The ... hunt ... have ... already ... begun."
RQ Sabre: "Tell my brothers, I said hi."

Vile last breathe left his mouth and RQ Sabre kill the rest of the viruses and glitches. He have minors cuts all over him from fighting with the viruses and glitches. A portal open, right next to him. He was about go through, when he heard Light Steve's voice.

Light Steve: "Sabre?!"
RQ Sabre: "Hey Light Steve, forget that you see me, and don't tell anyone that you had see me."

RQ Sabre go through the portal to see his father on the other side.

Elan: "By the expression of your face, something happen."
RQ Sabre: "Light Steve saw me."
Elan: "Let's go back home."

They walk to the entrance of the portal room. The door open for them. They walk out to the main area to the entrance of the Steves/Alexes section of the admin world. The door open and they walk through to get to Elan's home. Elan open the door and they walk through to reach the living room. RQ Sabre sit on the couch. SS Sabre was there with the med kit and put it on the table. Elan sit next to him and open the med kit. RQ Sabre roll up his sleeves and pants SS Sabre sit on the second couch. Elan begin to clean and wrap up RQ Sabre's wounds.

SS Sabre: "RQ Sabre, you want to know something."
RQ Sabre: "Is Vi a rouge virus?"
SS Sabre: "They are, they must have not want to work with True Herobrine and go rouge. It's a good thing that I killed them."
RQ Sabre: "It is. My universe Light Steve saw me. I have to get out of there."
SS Sabre: "You do not want to explain to him that you are the creator of Origin Steve?"
RQ Sabre: "It's not that, I don't want to explain to him that I am the creation/son of someone more powerful."
Elan: "There will be time for that. For now, get some rest."

Elan put some stuff back into the med kit. SS Sabre and RQ Sabre go to their rooms. RQ Sabre get on his bed and pull out his locket. He open it and the flower bloom to show the picture of him and his brothers.

RQ Sabre: "Why did you have to leave me, RQ Shadow Sabre. I only have the energy to go on mission or to get food."

The flower closed the bud and go back into the locket. He closed the locket and summon his screen to continue to watch Origin Steve.
Written: October 1, 2023, 7:41-7:49 am
The Admins AU context: Elan is the admin of the Rainbow Quest universe, Steve Saga universe, Twisted Rainbow universe and the other universes that he created. ... He was supposed to hunt them down but the hunter becomes the hunted.
4:26-4:28 pm
In the Admins World, Elan's house ... checking on his universes.
4:33-4:56 pm
He notice that the Rainbow Quest universe have viruses and glitches. ... He watch RQ Sabre go through the portal.
6:16-6:23 pm
RQ Sabre have arrived in the Rainbow Quest universe. ... He continued to kill viruses and glitches throughout the forest.
6:39-7:02 pm
He have now caught sight of their leader. ... RQ Sabre: "Hey Light Steve, forget that you see me, and don't tell anyone that you had see me."
7:39-7:57 pm
RQ Sabre go through the portal to see his father on the other side. ... He closed the locket and summon his screen to continue to watch Origin Steve.
Words: 1359
Published: October 1, 2023, 8:00 pm
RQ Sabre
SS Sabre

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