October 6 (Day 6: Improvise)

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Context: RQ Shadow Sabre and TR Sabre want to visit their family member, in the living world. There was one problem, they have to get past Death and Death decided to let UnderBalance to visit them.

RQ Shadow Sabre and TR Sabre are hiding and watching Death guard a portal to the living world. Both Hell and Heaven have a portal to the living world, where people can visit their family members, but Death have to allow it. The Steves are a bit different since they have the Guardian.

TR Sabre: "How are we going get pass Death?"
RQ Shadow Sabre: "We improvise. Have you check if our family members are asleep?"

TR Sabre summon a screen to check if their family members are asleep.

TR Sabre: "They are asleep."
RQ Shadow Sabre: "We can visit them, unless Death decided to let UnderBalance to visit them."

TR Sabre make his screen disappear and look from their hiding spot. He saw UnderBalance with Death and they were talking.

TR Sabre: "Uh, bout that, he is here.
RQ Shadow Sabre: "Great, we need to go to our room and go through the secret door."

They walk to their share room.

Death: "Balance seriously have to kill RQ Shadow Sabre. It's bad enough that his little brother is here."
UnderBalance: "He have a little brother?!"
Death: "He does have a little brother, TR Sabre. He have been trying to get to the living world, without my permission."
UnderBalance: "That sound a lot of work."
Death: "It is. Now it is twice as hard."
UnderBalance: "I would like them to suffer, but they could have ask you."
Death: "I know. I should check on them."

They walk to where RQ Sabre's and TR Sabre's shared room.

RQ Shadow Sabre and TR Sabre are in the closet. RQ Shadow Sabre let TR Saber go through the secret door, that is camouflage with the wall. RQ Shadow Sabre heard a knock and Death's voice.

Death: "I swear you better be in the room, you too."

RQ Shadow Sabre hurriedly reach the secret door and follow his brother.

Death open the door to see RQ Shadow Sabre and TR Sabre not there.

Death: "They have escaped! I am going to punish those two, when I find them."
UnderBalance: "I will help too."

Death and UnderBalance go and tried to find RQ Shadow Sabre and TR Sabre.

RQ Shadow Sabre and TR Sabre made it to the portal and fly through the portal. They have reach the Admin World and continue to fly until they reach to their father's home. They open the door and walk to RQ Sabre's room. They open his door and walk through it. They walk to their brothers bed and go into his dream. RQ Sabre saw them and hugged them.

RQ Sabre: "I miss you."
RQ Shadow Sabre: "We know you do."
Elan: "How did you guys know to visit us in our dreams?"
TR Sabre: "We figured this would be the best option for us to visit you guys."
SS Sabre: "Demon wings suits you."
SS Shadow Sabre: "Black and grey demon wings look cool."
RQ Shadow Sabre: "Thanks."
TR Sabre: "Death will be mad at us."
Elan: "Why?"
RQ Shadow Sabre: "We kinda off don't want to ask his permission to visit you guys."
Elan: "Of course you two would that."
SS Shadow Sabre: "I would do it too, if I were them."

Elan smack his second son, in the head.

SS Shadow Sabre: "Why, father."
Elan: "You three are troublemaker."
RQ Shadow Sabre: "You still love us
Elan: "Of course, I do."

RQ Shadow Sabre and TR Sabre felt a deathly presence.

RQ Shadow Sabre: "Death is here."
TR Sabre: "We go to go."

Elan hugged his two demon sons and the rest joined in the family hugged. They let go.

Elan: "I love you, my sons."
RQ Shadow Sabre and TR Sabre: "I love you, father."
SS Shadow Sabre: "Go have fun with death."
SS Sabre: "Wish you good luck on dealing with the punishment."
RQ Sabre: "Will we see you go again?"
RQ Shadow Sabre: "We will see each other again, RQ Sabre."

They get out of the dream and saw Death there. They tried to fly away but Death chained them up. He made a portal to Hell and go through it with RQ Shadow Sabre and TR Sabre. He unchained them and glared at them.

Death: "Hey UnderBalance, I think these two should be separated for a month."
UnderBalance: "I agree with it."

RQ Shadow Sabre gulped and look at his brother.

TR Sabre: "I would say, have fun, but you won't."
RQ Shadow Sabre: "Time to see some demon Steves."
UnderBalance: "Oh, we will have fun."

Death made a portal to LOTB. UnderBalance push RQ Shadow Sabre into the portal and he followed him. The portal closes and Death look at TR Sabre.

Death: "Time to go to the time out cage."

TR Sabre follow Death to his castle. They walk past the throne room and pass many rooms until they reach Death's work room. Death open the door and TR Sabre walk into the room. In the middle of the room, was a cage that is unlocked. Death pushed TR Sabre into the cage and locked it with the lock and the key. He kept the key, in his pocket and raise up the cage. He goes to his desk and start to make a list of souls to collect.

TR Sabre: "I can do this for a month."
Death: "Can you really?"
TR Sabre: "I know I can."

Death look up at him, with amused because this will be the first time that TR Sabre being locked up. He look back at his list of souls.
Written: October 6, 2023, 4:36-5:02 pm
Context: RQ Shadow Sabre and TR Sabre want to visit their family member, in the living world. ... They walk to where RQ Sabre's and TR Sabre's shared room.
October 6, 2023, 5:05-5:40 pm
RQ Shadow Sabre and TR Sabre are in the closet. ... He look back at his list of souls.
Words: 1051
Published: October 6, 2023, 5:42 pm
TR Sabre
RQ Shadow Sabre
RQ Sabre
SS Shadow Sabre
SS Sabre

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