October 24 (Day 24: Secret)

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Part 2 of October 19 (Day 19: Habit)
Context: Balance reveal the reason why he and Unbalance have wings. Trauma that was buried from his past has come to light. Unbalance felt bad on what he has done.

Balance wake up, with Equality and Nether Balance looking at his wings. He ruffled them up because he was surprised that they were there.

Balance: "What are you doing?!"
Nether Balance: "Looking at your wings."

He look at Unbalance.

Unbalance: "I will gather everyone."

Unbalance left his house. Bally was looking at them too.

Bally: "Did you have them, when we first meet?"
Balance: "Yes. The creators knew about them too. I have to hide them, I don't want any of our enemies discovering that I was dead once."

Equality: "Nether, we should leave him be."

They left his house.

Every balancer was in the meeting room. Balance and Unbalance was the last one to walk in. They take there sit. They also have their wings out.

Balance: "Okay, this might change some of your views on Unbalance."
Under Balance: "I could kill him, but I don't think you will let me."
Balance: "Under!"
Under Balance: "What? He has demon wings!"
Unbalance: "Hey! I did some bad stuff in my past, I deserve them."
Rebalance: "Everyone calm down. They must have a reason."
Balance: "Thanks, Rebalance."
DeBalance: "Tell us why you two have wings."
Balance: "Remember how Dest explained how Unbalance killed me and how I killed him."
Ender Balance: "We do."
Balance: "Technically it did happen."
Unbalance: "Technically, you killed me first."
Balance: "Might as well tell them."
Unbalance: "I tricked Sabre on becoming enemies with Rainbow Steve, as an Elder Blue Steve, Then, he realized that I was the bad guy and bring back Rainbow Steve. Me and Light Steve fought and I retreated. I found out where is Sabre and he accidentally drop half of Rainbow Steve and I drank it to become Chaos Steve. We have battle and I was reverted back to myself, Dark Steve. They killed me but I sent a portion of myself."
Balance: "That portion was called Shadow Steve. After I unfused with half of Rainbow Steve, Sabre put him back. Some time later, Shadow Steve found me and infect me and Sabre saved me. Mind you, me and my Rainbow Steve are brothers. I gave some of my powers to Sabre because I was afraid to fight Shadow Steve. Then I got capture Shadow Steve. Sabre found me, before Shadow Steve killed me, I gave Sabre some info about my powers. I told him that, my powers, these powers can do more than you think. He found a way to revive me. That was my first death and revival. Both of them did not know that I have gained feather wings."
Unbalance: My first revival happen when I was controlling a blue Steve to separate me from him. I attack Sabre and then ran away. Mind you Sabre, Lucas and Rainbow Steve don't know about demon wings."
Balance: "Neither did I, until we we're working together."
Over Balance: "This is a lot to take in. The fact that you two start as enemies, in our old universe, and then become allies in this universe. I wasn't even there!"
Balance: "Oh yeah, you were stuck in a machine."
Time Balance: "Thanks for telling us, Balance and Unbalance."
Unbalance: "no problem."
Spirit Balance: "We should leave to process this information."

The Balancers left the meeting room.
Written: November 5, 2023, 3:41-5:19 pm
Context: Balance reveal the reason why he and Unbalance have wings. ... The Balancers left the meeting room.
Words: 632
Published: November 5, 2023, 5:21 pm
Nether Balance
Under Balance
Over Balance
Time Balance
Spirit Balance

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