October 4 (Day 4: Return)

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Context: It is the day of the Rainbow Festival. RQ Sabre is watching the festival in his home cave, in the Rainbow Quest universe. He feel like he is ready to tell the leaders that he is back and reveal some news to them.

In Rainbow Quest universe, RQ Sabre's home
RQ Sabre was on his couch and summon a screen to watch the festival happened and for his gifts to be found. Every Steve is celebrating the victory of RQ Sabre's, Time Steve, and Light Steve against the First Curse.  It also a contribution to Rainbow Steve, their fallen hero. He smiled at everyone having fun. He change the screen to M, who was in the library.

M saw something hidden between the bookcases. He walk to the corner of his area and found the gift that RQ Sabre left. He read the tag and his eyes goes wide. He open the gift box and take out a small box. He open the small box to reveal a necklace. He closed the small box and put it back into the big box and closed it. He carry the box to outside of the library and walk to where the leaders are. He put the box onto the table.

M: "Did anyone got a gift from Sabre?"
The chromatic Leaders and Light Steve: "We did."

M open both boxes and take out the necklace and wear it.

Red Leader: "Fire opal suits you."
M: "How did Sabre get these gemstones?"
Green Leader: "We could ask him, if he is back."
Red Leader: "He is back. I got a message in mine."

Red Leader put the paper on to the table. They read it and then look at Light Steve.

Light Steve: "Follow the light to where I am."
Blue Leader: "Light, you know where Sabre is?"
Light Steve: "I do."

Light Steve take the leaders and M to where Sabre is. They stop at a cave.

RQ Sabre made his screen disappear, get off the couch, and go to his room to check if his sword is hidden. He have a hidden compartment, above his bed, to keep his sword. The opening is camouflaged with the wall. RQ Sabre walk out of his room and saw Yellow Leader there.

Yellow Leader: "Sabre?!"
RQ Sabre: "Hey, Yellow Leader."

Yellow Leader ran out of his home. He can hear the rest of the leaders coming to his home. Everyone is in the living room.

Blue Leader: "I can not believe you are back."
Indigo Leader: "Where did you go?"
RQ Sabre: "Let's just say somewhere else."
Orange Leader: "I have this feeling that you are hiding something."
RQ Sabre: "Orange Leader, it's not the shadow sword.
Violet Leader: "We are glad that you are back."
RQ Sabre: "You can explore my home, but my room is off limits."

The leaders go explore his home. RQ Sabre look at M and then at Light Steve.

Light Steve (whisper in RQ Sabre's ears): "You can trust him."
RQ Sabre: "M, do not tell the leaders abou this information."
M: "Why?"
RQ Sabre: "Because I want to tell them myself. It's about my eyes. (Whisper in M's ears) my eyes are green with gold around the pupil."

RQ Sabre look at his reaction, he was surprised.

M: "I did not expect that."
Light Steve: "Either did I."
M: "He told you first?"
Light Steve: "I found him first."
RQ Sabre: "The leaders should be done exploring."

The leaders came back to the living room. The leaders and M sit on the two couches. Light Steve and RQ Sabre grab some chairs from the kitchen room.

RQ Sabre: "I got those gemstone from my father and he help me make them."
Indigo Leader: "I did not know you have a father."
RQ Sabre: "Just me, my father and my four siblings. Two older and two younger."
Light Steve: "You are the middle child?!"
RQ Sabre: "I am, Light."
Red Leader: "I am assuming that where you have been."
RQ Sabre: "I went home, after Time Steve and I separated. I hope wherever he is, he is doing good."

They continue to to catch up on each other until it was time for the Leaders, M and Light Steve to leave. They are now standing in the living room.

Orange Leader: "It's good to have you back, Sabre."
RQ Sabre: "Do not tell anyone that I am back."
Yellow Leader: "We will."

The leaders left his home. M and Light Steve stay behind.

M: "I am assuming there will be a time for your eyes to be revealed."
RQ Sabre: "When I am ready to tell them."
Light Steve: "We will be there, when it happens."

They hug each other. M and Light Steve leave his home.

Elan pop into his living room.

Elan: "Couldn't tell them about Shadow Sabre?"
RQ Sabre: "Not today, let them celebrate."
Elan: "You are slowly moving out of the depression stage."
RQ Sabre: "I know."

Elan made a portal and go through it. RQ Sabe walk to his room, open the door, walk toward the bed, and plop onto it. He sit up and summoned a screen to watch the festival, again.
Written: October 4, 2023, 10:45-11:00 am Context: It is the day of the Rainbow Festival. RQ Sabre is watching the festival in his home cave, in the Rainbow Quest universe. ... He open the small box to reveal a necklace.
October 4, 2023, 1:07-1:20 pm
He closed the small box and put it back into the big box and closed it. ... Light Steve: "I do."
October 4, 2023, 2:51-3:02 pm
Light Steve take the leaders and M to where Sabre is. ... RQ Sabre look at M and then at Light Steve.
October 4, 2023, 8:47-8:52 pm
Light Steve (whisper in RQ Sabre's ears): "You can trust him." ... Light Steve: "Either did I."
October 4, 2023, 9:07-9:28 pm
M: "He told you first?" ... He sit up and summoned a screen to watch the festival, again.
Words: 1048
Published: October 4, 2023, 9:30 pm
Red Leader
Orange Leader
Yellow Leader
Green Leader
Blue Leader
Indigo Leader
Violet Leader
Light Steve
RQ Sabre

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