October 10 (Day 10: Memory)

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Context: Elan and his sons are having flashbacks of the time when TR Sabre was created. TR Sabre and RQ Shadow Sabre was there to witness it.

Admin World, Elan's home
Everyone in the house was asleep. Elan and his sons are dreaming of the day when TR Sabre was created.

Dream started
Elan have already created the Twisted Rainbow world. He just finished creating TR Sabre. He let TR Sabre out of the machine.

TR Sabre: "Who are you?!"
Elan: "Your creator, you can think of me as your father."
TR Sabre: "Who am I?"
Elan: "You are Twisted Rainbow Sabre, a player. We will give you lessons, before you go into your universe."
TR Sabre: "Okay."
Elan: "Time to meet your brothers."

They walk out of the creation room and walk to their home. Elan bring him to the garden, where the others are. RQ Sabre have notice his father and his new little brother. TR Sabre stay behind his father.

Elan: "Sons, meet TR Sabre. He is a little bit shy at the moment. He will be staying with us, for a week."

TR Sabre look at RQ Sabre and RQ Shadow Sabre, they felt they have connection with each other. TR Sabre walk toward them and sit down.

RQ Sabre: "Hello, TR Sabre, I am RQ Sabre and this is my shadow, RQ Shadow Sabre."
TR Sabre: "Hi. Why do I have this feeling that we are connected in someway."
RQ Shadow Sabre: "I think it's because our universes are being connected."
TR Sabre: "Oh."

SS Sabre and SS Shadow Sabre was making a flower crown with white flowers. RQ Sabre and RQ Shadow Sabre are telling TR Sabre what he will expect, once he goes into his universe. Elan smiled because he feel that TR Sabre will get along with the others. SS Sabre get up and put the flower crown on top of TR Sabre's head. TR Sabre was shocked and look at him.

SS Sabre: "Hello little brother, I am SS Sabre. That is a flower on your head."
SS Shadow Sabre: "SS Shadow Sabre, we want to know what kind of color flower, you are imagining."

SS Sabre and SS Shadow Sabre sit next to him. The flower crown change from white to a dark rainbow color.

Elan: "That was unexpected. Dark rainbow flowers is what you are imagining?"
TR Sabre: "Yes, it feels right."

Elan sit with his sons and they were bonding as a family. As the week goes by, TR Sabre have learned enough from his father and oldest brothers. RQ Sabre, RQ Shadow Sabre and TR Sabre were close that they were called the rainbow brothers, because of their universe name having rainbow in it. It was the end of the week and TR Sabre have to go to his universe. They are in the portal room.

TR Sabre: "I know that these memories will be locked. It is for my own good."
RQ Sabre: "Remember these memories will be unlocked, during your last moments in your universe."
TR Sabre: "I love you, my older brothers."
RQ Shadow Sabre: "We love you too."

They did a group hug and said some last things.

SS Sabre: "Go have fun and explore your universe."
SS Shadow Sabre: "You might have some friends or foes."
RQ Sabre: "You have fun on your journey."
RQ Shadow Sabre: "The darkness is not good nor bad. It is up to you to decide to embrace it or not."

Elan hug TR Sabre and whispered in his ears.

Elan: "I love you and pick your choices wisely."
TR Sabre: "I love you too, father, and I will."

Elan let him go and He walk through the portal.
Dream ended

Another dream start
TR Sabre and RQ Shadow Sabre was there.

RQ Shadow Sabre: "We ask Death, this time around."
Elan: "What was your punishment?"
RQ Shadow Sabre: "Under Balance have visited and they decided to split us apart. I stay with Under Balance for a month."
TR Sabre: "I was locked up in a cage, for a month, in Death's work room."
RQ Shadow Sabre: "It was not fun."
TR Sabre: "At least, you can fly around."
RQ Shadow Sabre: "Under Balance was watching me, while I fly around."
TR Sabre: "Killed any demon Steves?"
RQ Shadow Sabre: "I did, one for everyday. I got to let out some steam somehow."
Elan: "I'm glad it was for a month. Any longer, we have problems."
RQ Shadow Sabre: "How are you guys doing?"
SS Sabre: "Good."
RQ Sabre: "By the way, I think the dimensional cores are breaking."

RQ Shadow Sabre laughed and then said these words.

RQ Shadow Sabre: "Over, Nether and End Balance is probably in pain right now, while Balance is fighting in the void."
TR Sabre: "They did not really expect the cores to break."
Elan: "Let's hope they dimensional can fix it because those three will be out of commission for a while."

SS Sabre: "I am proud of Light, Time and Ghost Steve."
SS Shadow Sabre: "Same with Dark Steve."

Elan: "I think times is up for our youngest family members."
TR Sabre: "We will visit, again."
RQ Shadow Sabre: "Tell me if anything interesting happening on the next visits."
Elan: "Will do."

TR Sabre and RQ Shadow Sabre vanish.
Dream ended

Elan wake up and touch his necklace, knowing that he will see his youngest sons in his dreams. He also make sure to think about the happy times.
Written: October 10, 2023, 1:38-2:30 pm
Elan and his sons are having flashbacks of the time when TR Sabre was created. ... Another dream start
October 10, 2023, 2:33-2:30 pm
TR Sabre and RQ Shadow Sabre was there. ... RQ Sabre: "By the way, I think the dimensional cores are breaking."
October 10, 2023, 9:22-9:33 pm
RQ Shadow Sabre laughed and then said these words. ... He also make sure to think about the happy times.
Words: 1024
Published: October 10, 2023, 9:34 pm
TR Sabre
RQ Sabre
RQ Shadow Sabre
SS Sabre
SS Shadow Sabre

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