October 9 (Day 9: Betrayal)

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Context: Sabre was going to visits Green Steve, but he does not know that he will get betrayed. Green Steve does not want to betray Sabre, but he does not have a choice. The leaders are watching him.

Green Steve was making his tea because Sabre will be visiting. He was having a flashback to when the Green Leader finding him.

Flashback started
He heard a knock on his door and he open it to see the Green Leader.

Green Steve: "Green Leader, what are doing here?"
Green Leader: "I know that Sabre have been visiting you."
Green Steve: "I don't know what you are talking about."
Green Leader: "Don't act dumb, if you don't want to be label as a traitor. Put this in his drink."

He was holding a pouch of sleep powder.

Green Leader: "We will be watching."

Green Steve grab the pouch and closed his door. He slide down to the floor, he was crying his eyes out because he does not want to betray Sabre. He knows he have the darkness with him.
Flashback ended

He heard a knock on the door. He have already pour the tea and put some of the powder into Sabre's drink. He cups into a tray and take it to the living room and put on the table. He walk to the door and open it. Sabre walk inside.

Sabre: "Hello, Green Steve."
Green Steve: "Hello, Sabre. Ready to have our session."
Sabre: "I am."

Sabre walk inside of his house and they sit on the couch.

Green Steve: "How's Shadow Sabre?"
Sabre: "He is doing alright. Currently he is feeling that I am in danger."
Green Steve: "Just ignore him."

Sabre take a sip of his tea. Green Steve look at his tea and take a small sip.

Sabre: "You okay?"
Green Steve: "I am okay."

They continue to talk until they were finished with their tea. Green Steve look out of the window.

Sabre: "Green Steve, if something is not okay. You can tell me."
Green Steve: "I'm sorry, Sabre. I did not have a choice."
Sabre: "What do you mean?"

Sabre realized that he was getting sleepy and saw Green Steve crying.

Sabre: "Why, Green Steve?"

He have heard Green Steve answer, before he pass out.

Green Steve: "He was going to call me a traitor."

Green Steve felt a hand pat his shoulder.

Green Leader: "You did good."

Light Steve came into the house and carry Sabre. He glance at Green Steve with sympathy, before he walk out of the house. Green Leader leave him alone. Green Steve wiped his tears and know that the leaders have left the surrounding of his home. He bring the tray to the kitchen and clean the cups. He put them in a dish rack. He walk to his room, open the door, walk to his bed, and get on the bed. He hugged his pillow for comfort.

It was around sunset, when Shadow Sabre visits him.

Shadow Sabre: "Sabre knows that you did not have a choice. He is glad that you told him, the reason why."
Green Steve: "I'm sorry."
Shadow Sabre: "I accept your apology. I can not say the same for Sabre."
Green Steve: "I will visit him, tomorrow."
Shadow Sabre: "I will notify him. I don't blame you, I blame the leaders."
Green Steve: "You take care of him."
Shadow Sabre: "Also have been, he is like an older brother to me. Rest easy, Green Steve."
Green Steve: "Good night, Shadow Sabre."

Shadow Sabre vanished and Green Steve can sleep, easily.
Written: October 9, 2023, 3:19-3:35 pm
Context: Sabre was going to visits Green Steve, but he does not know that he will get betrayed. ... Green Steve: "Just ignore him."
October 9, 2023, 3:48-3:55 pm
Sabre take a sip of his tea. ... Sabre realized that he was getting sleepy and saw Green Steve crying.
October 9, 2023, 6:19-6:30 pm
Sabre: "Why, Green Steve?" ... Shadow Sabre vanished and Green Steve can sleep, easily.
Words: 693
Published: October 9, 2023, 6:32 pm
Green Steve
Green Leader
Shadow Sabre

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