October 31 (Day 31: Close)

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Context: Balance was sitting on the rooftop of his house, looking at the sunset. Prism Balance noticed him and fly up. He have a question for Balance.

Balance was on his rooftop, looking at the sunset. He does not notice Prism Balance coming to him and sit down next to him.

Prism Balance: "You and your Rainbow Steve were close?"
Balance: "We were brother. We were there for each other when Sabre or Lucas go away."

Flashback started
Light Steve and Rainbow Steve are in the tower, looking at a sunset.

Rainbow Steve: "Light Steve, we will be there for each other."
Light Steve: "In life or death."
Rainbow Steve: "Through the thick and thin."
Light Steve: "Always, brother."
Rainbow Steve: "Every time, you look at the sunset. Remember the times we were together."
Light Steve: "The same goes to you too."
Rainbow Steve: "I love you brother."
Light Steve: "I love you too."

They continue to watch the sunset.
Flashback ended

Balance did not notice that he was crying, nor Prism Balance was hugging him.

Balance: "Sorry, I just miss him."
Prism Balance: "It's okay. Let it out."

Balance let out his emotions and Prism Balance comfort him.

Balance wipe his tears away.

Balance: "Thanks, Prism."
Prism Balance: "Anytime, you should let out your emotions more often."
Balance: "no promises."

Prism Balance fly off of Balance's rooftop. Balance fly to his balcony and go to bed.
Written: November 5, 2023, 11:32-11:49 pm
Context: Balance was sitting on the rooftop of his house, looking at the sunset. ... Balance fly to his balcony and go to bed.
Words: 284
Published: November 5, 2023, 11:50 pm
Balance/Light Steve
Prism Balance
Rainbow Steve

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