The Dollmaker

38 3 21

Horror? I guess?

TW: Talk about sexism, discrimination against women, violence, gore, horror.

"What've you got for me this time, huh?" Tech asked as he walked into a crime scene with a detective.

"You're not gonna like the sight," the detective said.

They walked up to the victim. It was a girl. She had been placed on a stand...dead. Her mouth was filled with a hard substance and she was dressed up like a doll.

Tech put on gloves and examined the poor girl. He poked at the substance in her mouth.

"Hmm...hard...most likely poured down her throat as a liquid and hardened in her throat and mouth, chocking her," Tech said.

"You're not in the slightest bit...horrified?" The detective asked.

"Oh trust me, I am," Tech said. "Dolls are not my cup of tea."

A police officer came up. "Sir, we've got two more victims."

The detective looked at Tech.

"Detective, I want an autopsy on all of the victims...I need you to check for connections between the 3 victims. I want to try and determine who is going to be next," Tech said.

The detective nodded and set off to complete his orders. He watched as they put the woman in a bag and zipped it up before putting it in a car.


Tech walked through the CTPD towards the detective.

"Anything?" He asked.

"No," the detective replied. "There was no connection between any of the victims."

"There has to be something," Tech concluded, looking through the results.

"We did find something about the attacker though," the detective said.

"What?" Tech asked.

"It's a Yiga," the detective said.

"Check if any of the victims had a connection to the Yiga," Tech ordered.

The detective nodded and went off. An hour passed before he came back.

"All of the victims were connected to the Yiga. One was a kidnapped tailor, one was an ex-member and one was a spy that was kidnapped," the detective said. "All Yiga, prisoner or not, are filed under either M and then a number, or F and then a number."

"I'm guessing it has to do with their sex?" Tech asked.

The detective nodded. "The tailor's number was F-846, the ex-member's number was F-849 and the spy's number was F-852. Still do we know which woman they'll choose next?"

Tech repeated the numbers a couple of times before it hit him. The invisible lightbulb above Tech's head flickered on. "Oh! The numbers are going up by 3! See?"

The detective saw. "Now we just have to figure out who's F-855. We don't have access to their list...we'd have to hack in. That could be hard."

"Pfft. Please...when it comes to technology and security...the Yiga are downright dumb," Tech said, sitting down at the computer. "Plus...I'm an excellent hacker."

The detective watched Tech work.

"Ah ha!" Tech said. "Christie Loopa. That's who's next."

"Then let's go!" The detective said, calling his men over.


They soon made it to Christie's house. It was a mess and Christie was nowhere to be seen.

"Damnit!" The detective cursed. "We missed her!"

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