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The wind slowly blows past our ears,creating a whistling sound,as we all stare at Mariana.

"Just grow a pair and go in." I say.

"Easy for you to say,being a male." She says.

I push her towards the entrance. She slowly walks in,while we wait for our turn. After several seconds,she's in.

"Okay. Brooklyn,Scott,Sam--front. Harry,Hayley,Ryan--side. And I'll go to the back." I direct.

"Wait. Why do I have to go with Scott? He kills people." Brooklyn whispers the last part,holding her hand up to her mouth and pointing to Scott.

"Just go. And when I give the signal,go in. Calvin,Jesse. How we lookin in the van?" I talk into my watch.

"You should hurry. Police are heading your way." Calvin says.

"And they're coming fast too." Jesse adds.

"Damn," I turn towards Brooklyn," Change of plans. We gotta hurry. Police are coming." I exclaim.

We go in from the back entrance,guns and duffel bags in hand. We wait several seconds,our backs against cold walls.

I look to my side,and see Hayley.

"Tell Brooklyn that I'll give a signal for the rest of you to walk in. You and Brook go now. And stall." I demand.

"Got it," she looks on the other side,across from us,"Brooklyn. Come on."

They get up and walk to the exit,making their way to the front of the bank.

Brooklyn's POV

Before we walk in,Hayley turns towards me.

"Avery said that he'll give a signal for the others. I don't know what it is;he didn't say."

I nod my head,"Okay,so what are we gonna say to the bank teller? It has to be plausible."

"That we are making a withdrawal or deposit or something. I mean, we are in a bank."

"Good enough. Let's go." I say.

Hayley and I walk up to the bank teller. Once we get there,Hayley speaks up first.

"Hi. I was wondering if I could make a withdrawal for..." She looks at me,not knowing what to say.

"Felicity Ellis." I mouth.

Hayley quickly looks back at the bank teller.

"Felicity Ellis." Hayley finally says.

"Alrighty. Let me check. It'll be just a few minutes." The bank teller says.

I see a shimmer behind the bank teller, and I know it's the signal from Avery. I nudge Hayley in the elbow.

I see Avery out of the corner of my eye,pretending to contemplate his surroundings.

"You know what? Never mind. I'll come back. I just got a message that I need to go back to the office." Hayley lies.

We walk away,passing Avery.

"Tell Calvin to start the van," I quickly whisper to Avery,as we pass.

Avery's POV

I nod my head and walk towards the teller.

I pull out the gun from my jacket,"I'll be making an unexpected withdrawal for myself. Make it snappy." I exclaim.

Mariana then jumps from the ceiling and blows a poison dart right into the teller's neck.

The bank teller collapses immediately,causing people to stare.

"What are you staring at?! Get down right now or else you're dead!" I yell.

They all obey,staring at me,terrified.

"Brook." I call out.

"Already on it." she calls back,walking towards the room where the safe is.

"Mariana. Did you get anything?" I say.

"Yeah. Enough to fill the whole bag." she replies.

Everybody else shows up next to me,bags full to capacity.

My watch vibrates and I check it.

It's a call from Calvin. I turn away from the guys.

"Talk to me Cal."

"Police are outside,three blocks away from you guys. You better get here quickly." He exclaims.

"Sure." I respond.

I end the call and turn back towards the guys.

"Alright. We good to go?"

They all nod,some saying 'yeah' and 'yes.'

"Follow me." I demand.

We go towards the back exit and the van comes towards us with screeching tires. Then the sirens start up.

Jesse appears from behind the now ajar van door.

"Get in. Now!" She says.

Everyone gets in,before the police find our escape route.

The sirens blare even louder,getting closer.

"Calvin. Drive!" I shout,after everyone's in the van.

The van moves with a jolt,then we're off,as the sirens follow.

"Jesse,any possible way that we can escape the sirens? It's giving me a fucking migraine." I say.

"I know how you feel. Calvin. Turn left." She says.

The van swoops to the left.

"Which way now? Hurry. They're gaining on us." Calvin says.

"Alrighty then... Right,left,left,right,left,right, right. Got it?" Jesse guides.

The van swerves according to the directions given. Then,it suddenly stops.

"We there already?" Scott says.

"Yeah," Jesse says,looking out of the passenger window.

"Everybody out. And find a place in your rooms to put the money. Got it Outlaws?" I say.

"Yes sir." They all reply.

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