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I walk out of the room and run up the stairs.

"James!" I hear Jesse call after me.

I don't turn back. And there's no reason to. I don't need to talk to anyone right now, taking in the fact that my friend is dead and I'm apparently grieving.

Why does life have to be so hard? You build up your way on the Wall of Life just to get it ripped back down again. But I think it's time. Time to make things right once and for all. So I'm gonna write a letter to Avery's parents.



"Why do you do this? Ruin people's lives just for your entertainment. Why do you do that?" I ask.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Ella says, looking everywhere but at me.

"Listen. Everything isn't always about you. It's about all of us. So don't go acting like you're the Queen of England and think that you're better than any of us." I continue.

I walk upstairs before I can even hear a reply leave from her mouth.

I'm so sick of this bitch.

I pace back and forth, tapping my fingers over my lips.

I hurry to the kitchen, nobody in sight.

Where did everyone go?

I look out of the window closest to the front entrance, the kitchen only twenty feet away from the front door. Everyone's outside? Weird.

I quickly open the kitchen drawer and look at the stainless steel weapons before me. There's a section on the right and one on the left.

I run my fingers over each one,each digit going back and forth. Then, I let my hand rest over the last one in the left section, closer to the right.

 Then, I let my hand rest over the last one in the left section, closer to the right

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"Perfect." I say, to myself.

I hide the knife in my coat and making my way outside.

"Hey Ella!" I call out.

She whips around quickly, as if she just stole something and someone found out.

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" I walk up to her and hurriedly take the knife out.

She's alone, so nobody sees me.

"Why are you doing this? The fight is over. You and James obviously won." she replies,scared.

"Well...I just wanna make sure you don't come back with bullshit."

And with that I stab her several times in the abdomen.

"You deserve to die like Avery did." I lash out, looking into her soul.

Funny that I found one.

I remember James telling me off to the side that Avery got shot in his abdominal area.

I take out the knife and watch her body drop to the ground, then I make my way back to tge house and run upstairs.

I go to the bathroom, lock the door, wash my hands and the knife with cold water.

I scurry off to Scott's room and lock the door.

"Woah, dude. What are you doin-" he begins.

"I did something just now and I'm having second thoughts." I interrupt him.

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