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I make it back to the room and Mallory is nowhere in sight. So,I go to one of the windows and lie down. Mallory appears from the room behind the bookshelves.

"Babe,what's wrong? Are you sure that was nobody?" She asks.

"My parents came by. I talked to them...then shut the door in their faces." I say,my hands on my face.

"Babe...what did you say to them?"

I turn my face towards the window.

"I just wanna be alone for a while." I say,not in the mood.

"W–Okay." Mal says,walking towards the exit.

I  get up and walk around the room for a while, thinking about what I should do with my life.

What is it that everybody wants from me? I may have this tough persona, but I am human. Some things just make me uncomfortable or angry and my only response is sarcasm. Or telling somebody off.

I need to call someone that I trust.

I get my phone out of my pocket and dial a number that takes a while for me to muster up. Before pressing the call button, I breathe in and out.

After two rings,the person on the other line picks up.

"Hello?" they say.

"H–Hi. It's Avery. And I know we haven't spoken since the other day but...I need your help. Like,now." I say,a bit nervous.

"Well,I'm glad you called. It's nice to know that you actually trust someone."

I softly chuckle,"Yeah. Listen,um,come over later. Maybe ten minutes later. I wanna talk to you in person, okay?"

"Sounds good to me."

"Later." I conclude the conversation.

"Later." the person says back.

They hang up first and I put my phone back in my pocket.

I lay back down and stare at the ceiling. All of a sudden,Mallory comes back into the room.

Right on time, I think to myself.

"Hey," she says,with a small smile.

"Hey. Did anything happen downstairs while I was up here?" I inquire, referring to the Outlaws.

"Yeah. Jesse is in the living room in a ball on the floor. She's been sick for a while." Mal explains.

"Like...I-have-the-chills-and-a-fever-sick or ...can't-stop-throwing-up-sick?" I ask.

"Um,I'm pretty sure it's the latter." she replies,lightly scratching her neck.

"We have to take her to the hospital,then. She could have food poisoning." I exclaim,getting up.

Mallory turns towards the door,but then turns back around.

"When did you become so caring?" she says with a surprised tone.

"I don't know....but I don't like it,either." I say,before thinking.

Even though the ‘I don't like it’ part was true, I think to myself.

"Okay, well...I'll get the car then." Mal says,leaving the room before I can say anything else.

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