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"When did he start taking drugs?" My dad asks looking at Mthunzi my brand manager and best friend. "Sekune xhesha ngoku taima and I'm afraid that now he's getting worse." He explains,I play with the strings of my hoodie covering my face. Mxm,Mthunzi wapenga(is crazy). Both my parents and brother look at me,I feel ashamed as I look into the eyes of my carrier. I know that she's the only one amongst the three that's hurt by the news,my dad? I think he's glad that I'm "fucking up" my own life and I keep on proving him right. My brother? He's just happy that I keep on disappointing mom,I'm living up to his and dad's expectations.

"Hlanganani n'wananga(my child)?" The sadness in her tone cannot be missed. "Ma?" I answer back and she slowly shakes her head in disappointment. "Ku na leswi ndzi nga ku endlelanga swona (is there anything that I didn't do for you)? Did I fail you as your mother?" She asks putting the blame on herself. Before I can assure her that my behaviour has nothing to do with her my father jumps in. "NwaSithole unga ti soli,mfana loyi ixiphukuphuku(don't blame yourself this boy is stupid). There is a reason why I was against this DJ-ing shit of his and this is the reason. Instead of going to school and getting a proper education he chose this lowlife career"

WTF is he talking about!? I fucken went to Uni and studied CA for him,just to please him. Man I even graduated that time I didn't even like that course! Sir I have got a bloody degree in CA! After graduating and he still wasn't proud of me,in his eyes I was still the black sheep of the family. That's when I dropped the act and I chose myself,thats when I realised that pleasing him is pointless. I realised that his ass is toxic for me,too bad we can't cut off our parents. Am I even sure that he's my dad,the man hates my guts. Bro I think you know why, actually you know why he hates you. Fine but he will never ever be proud of me that time I have just hit my millionaire status and I'm 26 and its all thanks to my lowlife career. 

The prefix Nwa before a women's maiden surname is simply like saying MaSithole in isiZulu. My mother at this point she's out of words,"yah Dj By HL" my father's son mocks,I glare at him before clicking my tongue and he fucken laughs his ass off. And its not Dj By HL,its just By HL! "Se iri phara manjeni nwana mhani(so you are now a phara[junkie]my mother's child)?" Still its Tiyani with a big smile on his ugly face. "Why is he here,didn't you call my parents?" I direct the question to Mthunzi and he laughs it off. Obviously as my best friend he knows how our relationship with Tiyani and my dad is. "And I saw the videos. Yerr mfo ibusy moes wena" but of course Tiyani knows what he is doing RN.

He wants my parents to ask what videos so that he can gladly take out his phone and show them. He's childish,my parents eat right off his hand and as predicted he shows them the "embarrassing" videos of me high and out of my senses in public. One video is of me grabbing a random chick by her neck and kissing the living shit out of her while grabbing her ass. But them thirsty girls liked that one,in the comments gent's girlfriend were going crazy wishing that it was them that By HL kissed. Man they went as far as asking that chick how being grabbed like that by me felt. Crazy I know,the other one was during an interview with this lady. While she's asking serious questions mfana wamu Tsonga is trying to shoot his shot.

Of course I got turned down but eyy I didn't let gwababa stop me. The other video,you can just see that I wasn't myself,people around me were talking but I didn't hear shit. I kept on giving them funny looks,I looked so out of place in that video. Ohh and let's not forget the Internet famous one,I slapped this other guy,he is an upcoming influencer. People think that I did that because I was high and shit but I did that shit on purpose. The punk fucken annoys me,my team released statements after that and I was forced to make a public apology. Yah here its not nice papa,you will be forced to make public apologies and shake hands with punks.

"Manje mfana wam uthi siyenze njani ngomngani wakho?" Mom asks Mthunzi since he is the one who "brought this to their attention". "I spoke to him,I didn't tell him everything but I suggest rehabilitation. There's this good rehab for people like him..." I disturb him by laughing. "People like me? That's that supposed to mean?" I stop laughing upon realising that I'm laughing by my self. Yho these people are heartless,how can they let me laugh alone? Seni swi taba ingaku ndzi high(now it will be as if I'm high) "yah people like you,elites, celebrities or just rich kids" he explains. In short he's enrolling me into a fucken expensive rehab and my money will cover the expensive costs of everything.

But I have an elder brother who loves me so I will send him the bill. Wapenga (are you mad)? Akani doesn't know that you want back to sniffing and when he finds out that you used his money to get clean,i file boy(you are dead.) Akani is my elder brother,my parents now have 3 children and its just boys. The first born being Akani,followed by Tiyani then me Hlanganani. They discuss this rehab story further while I'm playing with the strings of my hoodie. "Look at him,we are discussing important things that affect your life and this is what you are doing,mxm. Useless marn!" He shouts before banging my oak table. I look at him like 'sir this is my house,not yours'

I don't stop what I am doing,bro I have grown a thick skin. There's nothing that you and your son can say that will hurt me. Plus they both now not to get carried away,I will punch their teeth right back into their mouths. Fuck that always respect your parent's story. If I'm being honest my mother is my only parent and Akani once in a while plays that father role in my life. I respect my dad... to a certain limit tho,I refuse to be bullied by an old man,how many times must I aoologize kasi(kanti). Yes its hard for him as a parent to forget what happened years ago but he must forgive, my mom did why can't he!? Tiyani has no reason to hate me,his is just weak. He is his father's follower,mxm he's not a man this one.

They conclude that they are shipping me off to rehab tomorrow morning,how nice,mxm. My mom goes to rest just for a little while but I know that she's not going to take a nap,she's probably going to cry. Because of me! Man I hate myself right now. "See what you are doing to my wife,this is all you Hlanganani. Hope you are proud boy" my dad in his everyday angry, frustrated and disappointed tone says but I'm used to it,so I just look at him showing no remorse whatsoever. "Why can't you be like other childre..." He is not going to compare me to anyone,so I stop him. "If you don't want to be in the same room as me papa you can leave." Now this is me being respectful so he mustn't push it.

"Hlanganani you will never grow up..." Now its his son and I also cut him off. "Get out of my house" I say sternly and when he sees that I'm serious he shuts his mouth. I'm his younger brother but I can take him on. "Iti vonile kuri ilanguteka njhani,u herile mfana wamina(Did you see how you look,you are finished my boy.) That jersey is wearing you instead of you wearing it. I can see your cheek bones. Mmm now my wife must stress over you" he isn't lying,under this hoodie you will see my ribcage. I stand up instead of answering and signal for Mthunzi to follow me. "Nwana mhani you know that I didn't do this to embarrass you or anything like that. Boy you need help,I don't like this new version of you." He says as soon as we get into the game room.

I stare at him blankly,I'm not upset with him so its cool but I won't tell him. "I know that after sniffing you become energetic,you stay up all night mixing and making good music but that's not who you are. You have always made good music intoxicated or not. Yes more music means more money but at what cost? I don't want to lose you boy,I'm speaking as your friend and not as your manager."  Friends like Mthunzi are rare to find and when you do find them, keep them.  I give him a bro hug before saying "thank you nwana mhani" and he chortles before saying "don't go all soft on me mfana."

So typical of us,one person being Tsonga and the other one of another culture to be calling each other Nwana Mhani. But that's how it is in Mzansi when people find out that you are Tsonga,your new name is either Nwana mhani or bhengu bhengu. If Zulu you are nkabi yam or bafo. Sotho you are ngwana mme or mojapere. Xhosa you are kwedini, mfodini or ibhuda. Pedi you are bo mma or Charles Kunutu,or any of the Skeem saam characters. Venda you are Ndaa,Vhafuwe,Susan or any of the Muvhango characters.

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