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"Hlanganani what aren't you telling us?" Thats my elder brother,his voice may sound calm but I know for a fact that he's pissed. "Answer us!" Thats my dad as he angrily bangs the table but none of us flinch. I don't say anything,don't answer any of their questions or even look at them. I'm looking straight ahead. "Hlanganani!" All three shout in unison. "He was going to kill me" I finally say, half shouting and half whispering. "He wouldn't have to kill you,if you didn't join his gang in the first place" I'm starting to think that my dad's role in this life is to be a "I told you so" guy. Like why does he have to keep record of every mistake that we make...especially me.

"So what happens now?" Asks Tiyani. "I will handle Zero" my saviour Akani says. "Handle him how?" I ask him out of curiosity,"by doing what I should have done years ago" he speaks with determination and silences fills the room. Everyone is stuck in their heads now thinking about this situation and what failure will mean for our family not just me and Zama but everyone.

Okay quick story. After the whole Tiyiselani situation I found myself moving with the wrong crowd but I didn't mind because they were going to help me execute my plan. Which was avenging my sister's death and I did. Being in Zero's gang wasn't bad,I was slowly adapting to the gang life and what it entails until we had a mission. A money heist,all along we thought that we were the only one's going for that heist until we were ambushed by another gang. A shoot out began between the two gangs.

Somewhere,somehow during the shoot out my mask fell off,I didn't even realize that until I had my gun aimed at someone and that someone said my name out loud with so much anger. I recognised the voice as Akani's and all hell broke lose that day. He got up from the ground like he wasn't just shot,took my gun and started shooting at people. Some people from my gang managed to escape but he didn't allow me to follow them,he was furious. He took me to his house and demanded that I explain myself.

I explained that I joined this gang and that he shouldn't worry about me I'm okay. He then asked how did I join the gang,then I told him that they found me. Yah I know shocking. They found me and recruited me. He laughed and asked why do I think that they recruited me,I shrugged not knowing the answer vele. He then told me that I'm stupid and explained why. So the truth was that Akani and Zero knew each other,they were partners until Akani betrayed Zero and that's how Zero left the gang,started his own and recruited me just to spite Akani.

So basically I have been a pawn in Zero's game. Fede I didn't entertain their feud,I went back to Zero's gang although Akani told me to leave. After finding out the truth,Zero didn't trust me,he thought that I would side with my blood and betray him but I made it clear that I want nothing to do with their feud...its none of my business. Now Zero being the big bad wolf that he is,he said that to earn his trust I have to kill my brother. Yeah i know right,that's insane. So I told him to fuck off. I said that I won't do it and I want out since things are getting too personal for my liking.

Now you can only leave a gang in a body bag. If not then you take a "break" and come back whenever they need you. Those are the only two options,I could have went with the second option but problem is Zero will always use me to get to Akani and so would Akani... what would have happened if he called me years later to eliminate my own blood or if Akani turned me into his spy to spy and snitch on my own gang? I ran to my elder brother and told him about my situation,he was more than happy to help. For two months, Zero was quiet, his goons were not following me around and he stopped sending threatening messages.

I thought that my brother really did handle the situation well and so did he until I was kidnapped. Beaten up and tortured for two days thats when I made that pact. I promised to not get married or find love and to also not have a child. Basically,I gave away my happiness and lineage. Zero took me back,threw me in front of my brother's gate and thats the last time I saw him. Akani was furious obviously but I begged him not to act because Zero and I have resolved it,of course I didn't tell him how.

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