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"Please bro,I can't raise those kids by myself" he says pleading. "And why not? "Those kids" are yours aren't they?" I ask him using his exact words. "Hlanganani I can't single handedly raise two girl children." He's now getting upset. Since when are his problems mine? "I yini lexi nga ta ku sivela ku ri i va kurisa hi wexe (What's going to hinder you from raising them by yourself)?" Now thats Akani asking a rather smart question. "I'm a man..." He opens his stinking mouth to spew shit but "its the 21 century boti catch up" I snap at him at the same time that Akani says "then aren't you just useless." In a dry tone.

He's growing angry which doesn't move Akani or myself one tiny bit. "I was going to ask Mmabatho to help me but her and Akani are always busy." He says after a minute of being silent. "Ohh and Nhlawuleko and I aren't busy?" I ask him. "They already have kids of their own..." He tries to justify his argument but I cut him off.

"Yah there's a reason why my wife and I don't have kids. We are fine with practicing how to make babies not to raise babies. So don't try to dump your baggage on us" my voice goes up a bit in irritation. "We don't have children,Yet" and my lovely wife jumps in placing the much needed emphasis on Yet. I take a glance at her not knowing what to say. Having kids for me is...let's just say that its not on my list.

For some fucked up reason he is now looking at Zama with pleading eyes. "Don't look at her,I said no!" I say in a much stern voice. The fucker looks at me before asking "why,doesn't she have a say in any of this? Is this how it is in your marriage,your word being final?" I know that his question has a dark motive behind.

I ignore him and set my eyes on her only to wear a face of disappointment when I see confusion and confliction in her eyes. She can't seriously think of going against my word. "What do you say Zama?" He asks with a taunting tone which just riles me up but not enough for me to act. "Yah what do you say Nomzamo?" Now thats me with a calm tone,everyone is now looking forward to her answer.

She looks between us as if not knowing what to say,at this my eyebrow shoots up. "Uhm I'm really sorry Tiyani but I can't help you" she says after clearing her throat. What the fuck is she even sorry for!? He's quick to musk his disappointed face but I saw it. "Why? Is it because of him" fortunately for him he makes no mistake,he doesn't point a finger at me. Had he done that...mmh. His tone is distasteful and accusing which I don't mind at all. "You have got that right...its because MY HUSBAND said no" she sounds annoyed with him and I can't help but to smile. The emphasis on My husband sends blood rushing to my dick.

One thing about my wife is that she's kind but also feisty when pushed. "No means No mfo" that's our elder brother mocking him. Tiyani in defeat turns to our dad for help. My mother's death did a number on him so its no surprise that he's not entirely focused on this stupid meeting. "You need to man up,learn some responsibility" that's dad's opinion which comes as a shock to us all including Tiyani. Did he just turn his back on Tiyani!? Did dad just pass on an opportunity to rescue his son!? That's something that you don't see everyday. "But I do provide for them financially..." Mmabatho now interjects.

"Buying them every toy that they want, spoiling them rotten and coming to visit them every now and again is not enough. You need to take the girls and live with them" she reasons with him. When he gives Mmabatho a nasty look her husband comes to her rescue. "Ndzi ta ku ba,loyi i nsati wamina(I will beat you up,this is my wife)" Akani threatens in a promising tone.

Knowing that Akani meant what he said plus he can beat a man up,Tiyani looks away. Yah I have received one too many punches from my brother so I'd know. "And your dad was pressuring me into getting married when he should have pressured you. Look now you can't handle being a single father" obviously I'm gonna rub salt over his wounds.

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