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I'm sitting with my wife on the couch, she has her back balancing against my chest and rib area as she sits facing to the left with her feet on the couch. My left hand is cupping her right breast under her crop top. We are enjoying each other's company in silence. She's busy browsing through her phone while I'm browsing through the flat screen in front of us. "So vele akudliwa namhlanje?" I ask her without looking at her. "Mmm" she hums without sparing me a glance as well. No one is keen on cooking today...we will just eat the holy spirit then.

I let out a soft chuckle before moving my fingers around her boob mindlessly. "I'm tired" she defends herself. "Are you drunk?" I question,today she had to plan a party so they were asked to stay by their client and obviously party screams alcohol hence why I'm asking. Because my wife is born different she gets up and sits on top of me straddling me. "Haaaa" her wide mouth blows breathe into my face making me smell her breathe. There's a bit of alcohol breathe but its not too much. My arms go around her waist and my palms settle for each of her butt.

I ignore her breathe and opt to look at her beautiful face instead. "I want to get an implant" she blurts out then she looks at my face to get my reaction. "Why?" I ask,I don't want to show my reaction to this implant story before understanding her reasons. "Nje" she answers with a shrug. I click my tongue before saying "you are not a baby Nhlawuleko so don't talk like one." This is me ending this implant discussion was it even a discussion? No it wasn't,she was just testing my patience and lucky for me I don't entertain bullshit so she's not getting an implant.

"Umzala athi Hello" she tells me already smiling while wiggling her eyebrows teasing me,she knows how uncomfortable I can get. I scrunch up my face not knowing how to reply to Khethiwe's greeting. Because Zama thrives off seeing me being awkward she laughs. "She likes you,you know" now she's serious. My face quickly rearranges itself,what!? Of course its in her nature to laugh her ass off,so I allow her. "Not like that babe,she likes you for me" she says hitting my chest lightly and she's still amused. "Well hello to her as well" I mindlessly say.

My phone rings and upon seeing the caller ID I'm reluctant to answer it. But it could be important. Yah right...its Tiyani. "Yeah?" That's how I answer most calls tho but not Zama's obviously I don't want to sleep in the guest room. And my dad's too because although he's an ass,he is still my father and the bible says respect... whoa,whoa since when you read the bible? I think that every heathen knows that part of a scripture.

Anyways back to my call.
Him: "I need your help" he dives right into it.
Me: "of course you do" I mean when does he ever call me? And nowadays he only calls me to speak to Zama about the girls.

Yah I'm not stupid enough to let him have my wife's numbers. If he wants to talk to her,it will be done through me.
Him: "I just saw Thembinkosi at Thandi's school" he informs me,you can tell that he's worried. Thandi goes to nursery school since she's only two.
Me: "what!?" I shout in disbelief before gently taking Nhlawuleko off my lap and walking away.
Him: "yeah and I'm not stupid enough to believe that its coincidental" he says.
Me: "its not,did you confront him?"
Him: "nope,he just looked at me as I was carrying her from across the street with nothing but hatred burning through his eyes."

Me: "I swear if he as much as gets close her,I'm going to kill him" and that's a promise I'm willing to keep. I may not care much about Tiyani...but his kids... those are my kids too. And us making him raise them by himself came from a good place and now he sees it because he gets to be on daddy duty everyday which I can tell that he is enjoying.
Him: "you sound exactly like your brother" he let's out a chortle.
Me: "and you sound exactly like your old man,I'm on my way to your house" with that said I hang up. 

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