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"Is he okay?" Bhuti Akani's voice booms from the other end of the phone. I look at Hlanganani who's laying on the floor with a pillow supporting his head. What am I going to say? I think to myself but apparently I don't have to say anything because my sniffles are enough to alarm Akani. "Nhlawuleko what's happening? Did he do something?" He's voice sounds weak and I know why. His mother passed away,instead of dealing with that he also has to look out for his youngest brother.
Me: "he's dying" I announce now crying.
Him: "what!?" He's clearly shocked by my revelation.

Me: "I don't know what happened but he started shaking and..." I explain to him what happened and that now Hlanganani has passed out. His heartbeat is very faint,his pulse is weak and thats scary. Looking at him as he lays unconscious on the floor drives a dagger in and out of my chest. Worse as I don't know what to do.
Him: "what are those pills?" He asks after I tell him that the last thing Hlanganani said was to get his pills for him and he complained about his heart.

Me: "i-i,I don't know,the label on the container has been scratched off." I say with a hand on top of my head, kuyanyiwa manje! Of course its suspicious that the label is scratched off and that I have NEVER seen him take these pills. Infact its my first time seeing these pills.
Him: "shit!" He exclaims also wondering what the heck would Hlanganani be doing with these pills. "Describe the pills  to me and tell me approximately how many do you think are left in the container." He demands...I almost forget that he's a doctor. I do as instructed he encourages me not to worry too much.

He tells me to wait an ambulance is already on its way. Privileges of having a brother who owns a hospital. I then ask what am I supposed to do in the mean time as I wait for an ambulance to arrive.
Him: "just pray that he doesn't die" at his words my fear reaches a whole new level. Whaat!? He can't be serious.

"Hlanganani Baloyi!" A doctor stepping towards the reception area calls out. Bhuti Akani and I shoot out of our seats and rush to the doctor. We are standing in front of the doctor however she doesn't say anything,I look at her and find that her eyes are stuck on Akani. Not in admiration or anything like that but in intimidation ohh God! "How's my husband!" I snap at her,I didn't mean to. I get that Akani is her boss and is intimidating,seriously I get it but I don't care...my husband is more important. "Are you going to do your job or should I fire you this instant?" He growls causing her to slightly jump.

"Right,uhm Mr Baloyi suffered a mild heart attack." She drops the bomb after clearing her throat. "Mild as in mini heart attack?" I ask just to be sure and both doctors nod Yes to my question. Okay but... "How's that possible?" Akani asks conveying my thoughts. "Well sir a heart attack can be caused by many things like..." She's about to explain however ubhuti omdala interferes. "I know all that bullshit,take these pills and run tests on them. I have an idea of what they are but I need to be sure. I want to know everything on these pills...the side effects and whether or not they are addictive." He practically shoves the container into her chest.

At the addictive and side effects part,my ears perk up. "Did you find anything unusual in his system?" Dr Akani Baloyi asks. The lady gives him the 'like?' face and Akani says "like drugs or anything that shouldn't be in his body" in a duh tone. "No sir,his system is clean. My guess here is stress,has he been under severe stress or..." Again he interrupts her. "Can we see him?" He almost sounds polite as if he wasn't being a complete jerk a few seconds ago. "Uhm yes" she's clearly not pleased by his behaviour and tone and unfortunately for her Akani doesn't seem to notice that.

"I'm sorry,the family is going through a tough time currently." I lowly utter a apologise for just her to hear as she leads the way.  She nods politely saying that she understands. "He is okay,he's just resting" the doctor answers my thoughts when we walk in his ward to find him unconscious,a drip attached to his left arm and many tiny monitors attached to his chest. Akani being him,he takes his chart and goes through it...I see the doctor eying him however he's too busy reading what's written on the medical chart to notice her. She goes on to mention a few things about his condition which I don't care to listen to as I'm staring at his face.

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