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"Hlanganani,have a seat" says my sexy therapist with a flirtatious smile on her face. She's definitely a slut. "Good morning Doc" I say in a bored tone taking a seat in front her. I like the attention that I'm getting from her but I don't like forward girls or hoes for that matter. I do fuck them tho,but it ends there. Call it an exchange of goods. "Okay let's start" she speaks in a low tone trying to hard that she's hurt by my tone. Its week 3 now of me being in this hell hole. Well its actually a good rehab it has to be phela for the money that we pay,it has to perform miracles.

I haven't made friends,but who would make friends with addicts? Well you yourself are an addict. Correction a recovering addict! I like to keep to myself and besides I'm here to get back on my feet,not to make friends. Here you get artists that are respected out there,you find your typical self entitled rich kids and sons and daughter's of well known political figures.

During the first week,I wasn't allowed any visits then from the second week I got visitors. Not once did my dad or Tiyani come but who cares? I know I don't. My frequent visitors are my mom, Mmabatho,Akani,Mthunzi and my close friends. The world is probably wondering where By HL is,well he's stuck in a rehabilitation center and doesn't know when is he coming back.

"So I have picked up from our other sessions that when you speak about your siblings you say "NOW I have 2 siblings" and you say "NOW my parents have 3 kids" why is that?" She asks starting today's session,she places emphasis on the word now. But she's not only starting the session,she's opening up a can of worms,she's taking me back to the darkest part of my life,something that I wish to forget but I can't and I will never. "About 8 years ago it was four of us,my parents had 4 children" I tell her and wait for her to ask another question.

"You had another brother?" She asks looking at my face with her usual unreadable expression. "No a sister" I simply tell her and she does that annoying thing of hers whereby she jots  down things. "Tell me more about her" she nods her head urging me to open up. Well here goes nothing. "Her name was Tiyiselani,she was the last born. Only two years younger than me. Both my parents have always wanted a girl child and they got her after 3 boys. She was a daddy's girl,was his pride and joy. We didn't mind tho nor we were jealous of it because we knew that he loved us nonetheless and that she was the only girl out of 3 boys" I start off.

"She was everyone's favourite sibling" I pause and chuckle at the memory. Tiyi was in everyone's good books. "But I was more closer to her and I'd like to think that it was because of the age gape,it got her thinking that maybe we are the same age" I smile a sweet smile as I think of our relationship and how some people thought that she was my twin. "That 8 ago I was doing my matric year,she was only 16. The music thing didn't just come out of nowhere,I have always loved making beats. So in my teens I was a typical rebel,I hung a lot with my guys back home making music. Would sneak out and attend parties,I smoked weed,drank alcohol,fucked girls...you name it." That's where I stop.

"Please continue" she pleads and I take a deep breathe. "My brothers have always warned me about having my friends over when Tiyiselani was around,they forbid her from chilling with us. They said that one my friends who's name I won't say would look at her in a predatory manner. I didn't fight them,I understood and then weeks later Tiyi told me that this friend asked her out. As her brother I went to confront my friend and told him to stay away from my sister. He apologised and we solved it like bro's then we got over it. Then a few months later,he was hosting our pens down streetbash.

My parents didn't allow me to go but I always sneak out anyways so I did. I only found out when I was out of the gate that Tiyi had followed me. I took her with to the street bash because if I had to send her back in I wouldn't go as well. Her friends were there too so she chilled with them. I don't know how many hours later,she died." I wipe away the tears that managed to escape my eyes. "My friend tried forcing himself on her,she kept on refusing him. He said that after that she tried to walk away but he pulled her back and they started fighting. That's when he continuously hit her head against the wall. According to him it was an accident,he had no control over his actions as he was drank"

I grow more angry as I think about it. How she was just laying there with blood everywhere and her eyes open. Sexy Doc over here says nothing as she processes my words. "How did that make you feel?" She asks a very stupid question. And guess what? I don't like stupid questions so I ignore her until she gets the message. How the fuck can she ask me that,she was my one and only sister,she was killed by MY FRIEND,I am the reason why she was that at party fuck do I even have to say more!

"Did anyone blame you for that incident?" She asks moving on,"don't call it an incident. Its my sister's death. Did anyone blame me for her death,yes everyone did. My own father treats me like a piece of stinking shit today because I got his one and only daughter killed. They would try to sugarcoat it and be like "Hlanganani you shouldn't have went to that party" or "if only you were not friends with that boy" but I could see right through them. That they hold me responsible for Tiyiselani's tragic death" that day was the beginning of my dark days. If it had happened early that year,I would have failed my matric.

"What happened to your friend? Where is he now?" She asks something that's totally none of her damn business. I shrug my shoulders meaning that I don't know. "How don't you know?" She keeps on digging and again I shrug my shoulders. "You don't look angry or concerned,what happened to him. Are you at peace?" She asks,"my mind is at peace yes but not my soul. What happened to him is none of your concern doc,I mean you don't even know him" I tell her. "But..." I interrupt her mid sentence "this session is over." With that said I stand up to leave. She doesn't have to know everything,opening up about Tiyi was hard as it is now imagine telling her what I did.

"You look handsome" says Akani,its in the afternoon now and he came alone to visit me. He and his wife are doctors I know right goals,they own two hospitals together but one is in charge of one hospital while the other is in charge of the other one. So today's she couldn't make it because she's busy. Mom went back to Tzaneen and my team is busy so I totally understand. "I know that I'm every girl's crush just didn't know that I'm every man's crush as well" I comment on his compliment and we both laugh after he shows me his middle finger.

"Now you look like my brother,how are the after effects though?" He asks looking worriedly at me. "I will be fine" my people worry a lot about me,I have already caused them too much stress so let me not add on by telling them about my horrible after effects. "Your father asked about you" he says and I laugh. "He's your father too" I tell him and he does the 'yah whatever' face. Thing is dad is hard on everyone,and Akani stands his ground so now its like he's challenging his authority.

They get along sometimes, well most of the time as long as dad doesn't try to control him or make him a child. Me? Nah we don't get along. "A va lava yini(What did he want)?" I ask him and he says that he was just asking about how am I doing here and if I'm getting better,mxm. Why doesn't he come.

Sexy therapist passes next to where we are sitting outside in the garden and flashes me yet another slutty smile before smiling politely at my brother and greeting him. "Did you sleep with her" he asks as soon as she's far away to hear us. "Nope,not yet" I say casually telling him the truth. He chortles then says "we didn't send you here to fuck the staff and doctors. You came here to recover" "mmm recover while making some hoe scream my name,I'm up for that" we both burst out into fits of laughter.

"You do know that its against the law right? She might get fired" he says trying to talk some sense into my head but "she's against the law,giving me attention when she knows that she's someone's meddie is against the law" I hope he gets my point because I'm not wrong. Ehh these huns are thirsty! "Amukelani and Mthunzi were playing games at your house and Amu beat Mthunzi" he tells me. Amukelani is his first born child. He has two and so does Tiyani.

Both my brothers are doubling cubing then there's me who uses a rubber to stop my sperms from going to forbidden places. Tiyani has two girls both from different mother's and they live with my parents in Limpopo while the father is out here enjoying life. But he's an amazing father,can't take that from him and he maintains both his girls. The baby mamas? Ha they are there, somewhere...I don't know where they each live but their girls do visit them.

"And you let them,you have a PS five in your house,why did your child come to my house to play?" I complain and he laughs and shrugs his shoulders. "Why was Mthunzi in my house?" I ask him genuinely confused. "He goes to check if your house is still standing and to eat your food,I help him in that department because you will be for 3 months so we can't waste food" I forget about everything else that he has said and focus on the duration of my stay here. "I will be for 3months?" I inquire with an eyebrow shot up. "Yah or more. Or less depending on how you behave and how you are doing" shit 3months is a lot!!

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