Chapter One - Shadows of the Night

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Astrid's POV

If the events that had taken place six years ago wouldn't have happened I wouldn't be where I'm at now, accepting the honor of being Chief. Stoick the Vast, the previous chief, had given his notice and asked me to take over the village. I have grown stronger, more brave and intelligent over the past six years, he has even gone as far as taken me in as his own after all that has happened. As I stood there at the top of the stairs leading up to the hall I looked out as Stoick made his speech and Gothi prepared the ashes to make the mark of the chief upon my temple. Though Stoick spoke, all I heard were the sounds of the waves hitting against the mountain sides of our beautiful island known as Berk.

"Astrid?" I heard Stoick speak softly, I shook my head out of the daze and kneeled towards Gothi to accept this great honor. I then stood up with great pride with the black mark on my forehead and began to spoke to my people.

"People of Berk, we have suffered much loss throughout the years especially ones of most recent," I glanced at Stoick who smiled, "but as your new chief I promise to have those suffrages put to an end. We have learned so much since my team and I have joined the search parties, we have come so close to the answers we need to find the King of all dragons. It is my duty to protect us, and with that I promise we shall rise above!" I put my fist up in the air and all of Berk cheered. This was my legacy.


"I'm tired" Ruffnut moaned and groaned at the back of the boat.

"Well suck it up Ruff, we are almost there. I already see the island, once we are there, remember stick together. Someone or something could be there with us."

"C'mon astrid we've been out here for days, can we atleast sleep when we get there. Stoick wouldn't-" Fishlegs tried to continue but we hit land

"Everybody off!" I yelled back at the team, protect our people, save us from these beast.. I could hear those words repeated in my head by Stoick.

Snotlout and Tuffnut were jumping off the boat tying the ropes to near by stumps, I jumped off quickly after to assist. After the ship was tied I went on the boat to inform the others that we were docked and ready to search but there was no one on the boat.

"Are you serious?!" I screamed and threw my axe around, cursing into the air. "I can't count on these son of a half-troll, rat-eating, mung buckets!"

Out of anger I swung my axe in the air one last time and it slipped out of my grasps across the beach and landed into somewhere amongst the waves. Great. "I need to gather the team, if they aren't dead by now they will be when I find them" I said out loud to myself while rubbing the sides of my temples trying to calm myself down. I looked past the trees and started to make my way through, trying to control my breathing as anger was still raging inside of me.


The sun was gone by now, the only lightsource I have is the moon. The temperatures of the night started to kick in, I was freezing. I didn't even have my axe, so everything was going so well right now. I needed to find the others. I am not letting them ruin my plans as Chief, I have a legacy to fulfill and at this rate I won't ever succeed. I kept moving deeper into the trees no longer able to see the beach behind me, tripping a few times along the way because I could barely see.

I jumped as I heard whistling from above and a dark shadow flew in the sky just over the trees above me. I hid behind a bush and squinted in the direction of the sound. When the dragon flew a little closer towards the ground I saw another figure on its back, a human. A person is riding a dragon. I needed to find the others and get us out of here. I quietly got up then started running. As I ran I heard the dragon above and when I glanced back everything became a blur, I was falling. I couldn't grasp what was happening until I jerked up and was no longer falling but being flown somewhere by the dragon, I took this moment to look at my surroundings, when I looked back and the dragon that had me it was none other than a Nightfury. Of course a dragon we know nothing about captures me. I started yelling and kicking at the beast until the creature finally put me down, I took my chance and ran with a limp behind a tree. There was shuffling behind me in the direction of the dragon, when I peaked out I noticed it was the figure I saw on top of the beast just moments before.

"Hello, we aren't going to hurt you, Toothless must've saw you fall and got you.. You okay?"

Toothless? Is that what he's calling the Nightfury?!

"Can you come out please?" The man called over in a soft voice slowly making his way towards me, "I can help you if you're lost."

"Not until that thing is gone!" I looked down at his waist, "and your weapon."

The man took the weapon off and threw it on the ground and kicked it to the side, then gestured for the dragon to leave. He obeyed. That's when I slowly stepped out from behind the tree. The guy started to step closer in my direction cautiously.

"That's close enough!" I said sternly.

"I'm sorry I just can't see you that well, I would like to see who I'm talking to." He replied.

I rolled my eyes and continued to ease my way closer, "you were on that beast."

The guy noticed my movement closer so moved as well, "Uh yeah, it's a long story. I can tell you all about it though if you're interested"


***Authors Comments***

I hope you all enjoyed this story so far! This is actually a revamp of an old fanfic I made back in 2018. I was always curious of what would happen if the How to Train Your Dragon plot had played out this way so I decided to continue writing the story for others to enjoy.


This story will introduce adult themes and languages further on as the characters are in their early 20's now so just a heads up!

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