Chapter Twelve - The Tales of A Mad Man

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Astrid's POV:

Hiccup and Val left berk with their dragons, along with volunteers from the village who were willing to visit the sanctuary and help with gathering the rest of the dragons in their journey back to Berk. Things for Berk were actually changing, the fear of the beasts dwindling down with every passing moment. A smile painted its way across my face as I walked into the now open arena, the cage above was torn down within hours and Gobber removed the doors to the cages from inside. The newly open spaces now hold racks for tools and weapons needed for other training classes, but the main arena will now purpose training new riders and teaching them about the dragons. I put my hands on my hips, admiring the small yet much needed change.

"Do you think he'll be willing to help train the classes?" Gobber walked up from behind me, joining me in the arena.

My eyes scanned the arena and smiled, "I know he will, just wait till you see them, Gobber! The creatures are beautiful and kind, they are nothing like how we described them."

Gobber nodded as I spoke, "I always wondered if what Valka used to say was true, I'm happy I'll be able to see Berk living in peace within my lifetime." He spoke as we started to walk out of the arena, " I always knew that kid was different."

I smiled at his comment. Growing up Hiccup annoyed me, mainly because of the victory of the dragon fighting classes, but before then he never bothered me. I always felt bad for him, being an outcast, not being able to relate to anyone or be good at anything. He found his purpose in life and because of him I've adjusted mine. I walked by the docks looking out into the waters below, watching the waves crashing into the rocks of the shoreline. My hand raised towards my face, lightly touching my bottom lip as I started to visualize the events that happened last night. I took a deep breath and took a seat on the wooden dock below me, the village would never admit it, but I was always seen as the Chief who would rule alone and here I was thinking about how I would protect Berk with him by my side. Stoick ruled alone because he lost his wife and never saw it fit to marry again, I planned on ruling alone because no one on Berk fit my expectations or challenged my points of view. Does he feel the same way that I feel about him now, or was it all just lust and something familiar? 

Hiccup's POV:

We made our way back to the Sanctuary by sunset, the world seemed to gloom around us in a yellow hue from the sun that was descending beyond the horizon. I flew down onto the shore of the iceberg, just in front of where the ships docked and jumped off Toothless. Valka and I spoke while Stoick stood by our sides as we gave orders to the volunteers who stood in front of us.

"There is no need for weapons in there, it will only scare the Dragons especially since majority of you here are new which means new smells and some Dragons may be on guard." I called out into the group.

"Remember," Valka added, "these are kind creatures, we are coming into their home and so let's respect it as such. Stay close to Hiccup and myself as they have trusted us throughout the years, they will do no harm if they see no threat..."

I nodded at my mother as she spoke and looked back out at the crowd, "Val and I will gather our things and then we will move on to moving the bewilderbeast, the dragons will follow effortlessly as long as we have him. He is their protector, their chief if you will." We started to walk off into the opening of the iceberg before I turned back at the crew behind me, "oh and prewarning, this is nothing like any of you have seen before. I hope you are all prepared to be amazed" I smiled and lead the group inside.

The crew did well, the dragons took to them even better than we thought. All of my mothers and my stuff were packed onto one of the ships outside ready to depart. The weather did not treat us well after the sky became dark as a storm struck causing us to delay our trip back to Berk. We all sat by the ledge which overlooked the bewilderbeast as we ate, Val and I started to share our stories with the group. My father sat between us, engaging as we spoke.

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