Chapter Seven - Return to Berk

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Astrid's POV:

"Are you finally going to tell us what all that was about?" Snotlout yelled back while steering the boat.

"It-" I hesitated, "it was just like I said. After you all ran off I got hurt and they helped me."

"They were among dragons Astrid, now what was all that about?" Fishlegs asked, "And a Nightfury of all things! You could have been killed!"

"You know this has to be reported Astrid, that place is a threat." Snotloud added, "those people are a threat. For all we know that could've been the place we've been searching for since Vikings first settled on Berk!"

"But I wasn't," I said ignoring snotlouts comment, "if they wanted me dead then I would've been the first night they saw me."

I looked out into the ocean, my mind filled with thoughts. What does Hiccup think of me now? I'm a coward, it was against everything I stood for but I didn't know what to do.

  We rode the rest of the way in silence. The gang didn't bother to ask me anymore questions as they quickly realized I wasn't going to give many answers. We arrived back on Berk and Snotlout jumped off quickly making his way up to the hall. This wasn't going to end well, I'd either lie or only tell half truths and lying wasn't an option in this case since the whole gang saw me there among the dragons not attempting to make an end to them. I could already see the disappointing scowl that Stoick will possess once this information is relayed to him.


"Of all the irresponsible things yours could've done Astrid!" Stoick screamed. We were in the hall, it was just him, Gobber and myself. "And let alone with being a Chief! I would've expected something like this from my son, but not you Astrid. You are not like this, you could have led them straight to us!" His fist slammed on the table in front of me causing me to blink.

"They won't come here Stoick I assure you that atleast." I replied quietly.

He let out a sarcastic laugh, "and how do you know this Astrid? Did they tell you this?"

I couldn't respond. I didn't know what to say, his reaction would not be well either way whether I told him the truth or not.

"We leave tonight," Stoick finally stated as he walked away, "you will show us the way."

"What? No, Stoick. I made an oath to protect our people, to protect Berk and I'm telling you now that running into that will only leave our people dead and weak. You have no idea what you're up against!" I stood, pleading to Stoick.

"You're just like my him. You aren't a Viking, not if you won't protect your own." He turned back to me waiting for me to respond.

His words cut like a knife through my skin, "You have no idea Stoick! I am protecting our own! Have Snotlout take you, speak to the people who saved me and you'll have all the answers you've been searching for since Hiccup was a babe. You will regret these words you speak, and for Odins sake I hope you open your eyes as I have." I didn't give him time to respond and stormed off.


Hiccup's POV:

I could see the light from the torches lit above the island. Toothless and I flew over the land to see an opening and quickly realized no one was to be seen besides a few Berkians heading into their homes for a nights rest. I remembered Berk like the back of my hand, not much has changed besides a few fixes here and there but the main layout remained the same. The night was dark, with a slight light reflecting from the torches which allowed the people to see the skies just above and the passageways below. I found my father's home, and next to it lied a newer building probably Astrid's new home since becoming Chief. We landed just behind the house, careful to not make much noise and attract attention.

I turned my way back to Toothless who attempted to follow, "stay here bud, signal me if you run into trouble.." I turned back towards the house and snuck around to the front.

I made my way inside which was dark with the exception of a candle burning in the loft above. "Astrid??" I whispered. I heard shuffling coming from the loft making its way towards me.

"Hiccup?!" Astrid said back as her head poked out from the area above, "what are you doing here?! You're going to get yourself and Toothless killed!"

I shrugged in response, "then I better make it worth while.."

She let out a sigh as she made her way down the steps as I met her at the bottom. She quickly embraced me with a hug and cried, "I had no choice Hiccup.. If they went back without me they'd never stop searching until they found me, especially after what they saw.",

"I know," I responded even though I just realized she didn't want to leave us, "I understand no need to explain.." I kissed her forehead removing the hair that flowed over.

Astrid pulled away from me, "We need to go back to the Sanctuary before it's too late."

I felt the confusion on my face, "before what is to late?"

She grabbed her axe and a bag packing it with extra tools and smaller weapons, "They're on their way to the sanctuary, they left hours ago.. I didn't tell them anything I swear, Stoick tried to have me lead them there but I refused, Snotlout is leading them that way as we speak."

Before I let her say anything more I helped her grab her things and we ran out the door. We came to an abrupt stop when a man stopped us, his eyes widened as his eyes met mine and took a step closer.

"Could it be..?" He asked, "How is this possible.. Everyone thought you were dead."

He continued to step closer in my direction, reaching out as if to see if I was some sort of illusion before Astrid stepped in, "we don't have time to explain Gobber, I'm surprised you didn't leave with Stoick and the rest of them."

She grabbed my arm as she shoved through Gobber and he quickly followed behind, "I- I was going to but i'm used to looking after.." His voice trailed off as if trying to grasps my presence.

I nodded behind the house, "Toothless is back there." I said to Astrid when she looked in my direction.

"Can someone please atleast tell me what's going on here?!" Gobber finally snapped, clearly overwhelmed by the situation.

I turned in his direction and grabbed his shoulders which raised and lowered at a rapid rate out of shock, "I will explain everything," I backed up towards Astrid who was already on Toothless and jumped on, "just after we get back."

Before giving Gobber a chance to speak we rode off into the darkness of the night. Astrid grabbed onto my waist tightly as we flew through the sky. We'd easily make it there before them so we'd have time to come up with a plan.

How to Train Your Dragon: Journey Beyond BerkWhere stories live. Discover now