Chapter Two - A Flight into the Night

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Hiccups POV: 6 Years Ago

"I am so leaving, let's pack up!" I yelled out in the sunken field.

Berk was a land of kill or be killed, I quite frankly did not want to kill. Just a few hours ago I was announced the winner for our Dragon Fighting Class and I won the chance to kill a dragon but there was one problem, I can't kill a dragon.

I looked out at toothless as he made his way towards me with his head cocked to the side in confusion,"Looks like we are taking a vacation bud" I sighed, "forever.."

No matter what I did i'd be a disappointment to my father and to our village, I don't want to be known as the only viking on Berk who couldn't kill a dragon. Our only option was to leave. I started to pack up the woven basket I brought with me to help us along our journey beyond Berk, there had to be more out there I couldn't be the only one who felt this way. Worst case scenario I find nothing and we fall off the side of the world. I hopped on my Nightfury and we flew off.

I took a glance back as the sun set over the island, "I'm sorry dad, I'll never be the Chief you want.." My hand guided across my cheek to catch the warm tear that had just fallen from my eyes. This will be the last I see of Berk, I'll live amongst Toothless' kind where I belong. I'm not a true viking.


Present Day

I reached out my hand to the woman who stood in front of me, I could tell she was scared. She needed to heat up and rest so her leg could heal, as she walked with a limp after nearly falling to her demise just moments before.

"Come with us," I said, she locked eyes with Toothless and back at myself, "He's harmless, I assure you. Let me show you.."

The woman scowled at me while shaking her head and started to limp away. I bit my lip watching her struggle to walk away. I turned back to toothless and got on.

"She needs our help bud, go get her.." I said while looking into the darkness of the trees where I could still hear the woman struggling.

Toothless smiled and ran into the darkness with me on top. His leaped over the woman and grabbed onto her as we made our way above the tree line.

"Ahhhh!" I could hear her screaming, "Th-This is really high! Let me go! Oh gods!"

Toothless obeyed her request and sat her down on top of a tall tree. "Get me down from here!" She yelled back at me, "Are you insane?!"

I laughed as I leaned over reaching out my arm, "A little, but you need help I'm not leaving you out here. Not all dragons act like Toothless."

She let out a scoff, "you named the dragon?!" She wobbled on the tree top trying to maintain her grasp.

"Again, long story but I can tell you everything, just let me show you" My arm reached out further in front of her.

I could tell by her eyes she was angry and confused. She finally shook her head and grabbed my arm as I assisted her onto the dragon behind me. Her arms wrapped on my waist tightly and her eyes closed.

"Just get me off of this thing.." She cried out.

"Toothless let's go home." I called out to him.

And with that we were off into the night sky, the girl still tightly wrapped around my waist afraid she might fall. We flew beyond the island passing smaller islands and oceans below along the way. It was a cold night, the sky painted in starlight. I looked back at her with a smile as her eyes still tightly shut.

"Hey.." I whispered, "open your eyes.."

She peaked through one eye and then the next, her eyes widened as she looked out at the sky above us and the ocean below. The Northern Lights now painted the dark sky illuminating a green light into the air.

"Alright," She said in a much happier tone than before, "i'll admit- this is pretty cool.." She took a breath taking in her surroundings, "it's amazing, he's amazing" she removed her arm from my waist to pat toothless.

I laughed at her comment, "You haven't seen nothing yet." I let out another laugh as I turned back towards toothless and we continued on our way.

When we arrived to the sanctuary all the dragons welcomed us, I turned back to the woman behind me who was now fast asleep. I looked over to my mother looking over in curiosity, I smiled back and walked straight to the cabin I built when I found this place. When I got inside I walked over towards my bed and laid the woman down, she seemed calm. She probably thinks this was all messed up dream.

"Who is that?" Valka walked beside me as I made my way out of the cabin.

I shrugged, "No idea, she looked vaguely familiar but I can't pinpoint why.."

Valka nodded, "is she hurt?"

I looked back at the cabin and back at my mother, "yeah, she fell off a cliff. If it wasn't for toothless she'd be gone."

We walked in silence, the only sound coming from the dragons around us. My mother ran her fingers through my hair and smiled.

"You have a kind soul Hiccup," she spoke softly, "when she awakes we'll take care of her if she allows.."

"Thanks Mom. I'm going to find a place to sleep tonight, it's been a long day." I started to walk away with Toothless and then looked back, "She might be a little crazy when she wakes up. She's not use to this." I gestured to all the dragons. Valka nodded and walked away as well.


***Authors Comment***

In this part I introduce Valka into the story, I like to believe he found his mother whilst traveling across the world with Toothless. They live in the ice sanctuary created by the King of all dragons as seen in How to Train Your Dragon 2. With Hiccups handiness skills he has created a small village like town within the sanctuary for him and his mother to have their own Cabins as well as a Cabin for treating injured dragons. I hope you all are enjoying so far, I have an idea on where i'd like the story to go but we'll just have to see how it plays out!

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