Chapter Six - An Unwelcome Surprise

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Astrid's POV:

The sun had hid away behind the clouds, making the evening blue in color. Hiccup and I sat on the beach, both silent still in shock of what just happened. I've never allowed myself to be vulnerable, especially when it came to men but with Hiccup he made it feel natural. Everything we've been taught has been wrong, I was conflicted. Part of me wanting to go back to Berk and forget this all happened and another part of me wanting to join Hiccup and Valka in their adventure and never return. Imagining Hiccup no longer part of my life seemed like a nightmare. Hiccups fingers ran through my now loose hair as we continued to sit in the silence, just enjoying each other's presence.

"We should probably head back before it gets dark, Valka will worry." He finally said to me in a whisper.

I nodded in agreement and we both stood up making our way to Toothless who was just a few feet from us resting on the beach. We both got on and continued on our way back to the sanctuary. The ride was less silent as we talked and laughed the whole way back, Hiccup telling me of the horrors of Valka's cooking.

I laughed and hit his arm playfully, "Hiccup that's your mother! Besides it can't be that bad!"

We both laughed as Hiccup responded, "I'm telling you, her cooking could kill more beasts than a battle axe!"


When we started to fly towards the Sanctuary Hiccup stopped, "What's wrong?" I asked.

He pointed towards the entrance where a boat was docked on the shore, "something's wrong.." He pulled his helmet from the bag that hung off of Toothless' side and put it on.

We made our way closer to the opening when I realized this wasn't just any boat, "oh no.." I whispered.

"What is it?" Hiccup asked, "do you know who is here?"

"It's a Berkian boat, look at the carvings on the sides.." I pointed, "It's also the boat the gang and myself traveled on just before I came across you.."

I couldn't tell what he was thinking, as he didn't respond. We flew in and jumped off of Toothless making his way in off foot as Toothless and I followed behind. I could hear the gang yelling in the distance and dragons roaring in defense. They're going to get themselves killed! As we made our way through the entrance Hiccup grabbed a gadget from his waist that looked like the handle of a sword, almost immediately a flame came out of the top creating a sword of flames. Holy shit.. Valka was standing near Cloudjumper trying to negotiate with the gang holding her staff almost communicating with the dragons, which seemed to be calming them in this instance.

"Don't!" Hiccup said rushing in front of the gang, Snotlout held his war morningstar out ready to swing at Cloudjumper. Hiccup held up his flaming sword and blocked Snotlouts view of Valka and Cloudjumper who stood behind him.

"Woah.." Snotlout said in response, "What the-"

Before he could finish his sentence Fishlegs jumped in, "Uh guys! Is that a Nightfury?!"

The gang looked over in our direction, their eyes widened when they saw the dragon but even more so when I was seen standing next to it. I looked at Hiccup who was looking back at me, his eyes refusing to steer away from mine. I snapped out of it and looked back at the gang,

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked almost angry.

"We are here to rescue you!" Snotlout yelled back stepping in my direction, "You disappeared! And we weren't going to head back to Berk without the Chief, Stoick would literally kill us!"

Hiccup's POV:

Astrid looked at the gang and back at me, I didn't know what to do and by the looks of it neither did she. We all stood in silence, the gang holding up their weapons still ready to fight at any moment.

"I don't need rescuing.." Astrid finally said, "they were just helping me after I got injured."

Snotlout looked in my direction and walked towards me, "and who are you exactly?" he said with a stern voice.

I hesitated before responding, "someone you don't want to mess with." I finally replied.

Snotlout scoffed and grabbed Astrid's arm, "let's get out of here before these freaks try anything. First Dargo Bloodface whatever his name is and now these weirdos. Stoick is gonna want to hear about this." He said while dragging Astrid along with him.

"Drago Bloodfist?" my mother stepped in with worry in her voice.

"Yeah that's it! Some weirdo stopped us along the way trying to recruit us for some 'dragon' army." Tuffnut replied as he followed behind the gang making their way out.

"Tuff, Shut up!" Snotloud demanded.

And with that they were gone. I couldn't bring myself to chase after her, I was filled with hurt and anger. My mother paced behind me, freaking out. I threw my sword which no longer lit with flames and Toothless ran after it as I stormed off into my cabin.


I laid in bed trying to recall the last few days. My heart felt broken in two, I was vulnerable with everything and Astrid didn't seem to care. She left without hesitation without even explaining herself. The sky began to darken outside causing the sanctuary to dim as the dragons outside my cabin calmed after today's events unraveled. My mother barged into my room and I jumped up.

"What the hell?!" I yelled. I didn't argue with her but she had to of known I was trying to wrap my head around everything that happened today. She didn't know what happened on that island but she did know one of my biggest regrets leaving Berk was Astrid and the constant wonder of what could have been.

"If what that boy said was true, Berk could be in danger Hiccup." My mother explained to me, "You think they're killers now? I've run into paths with this Drago before, he's not one to be messed with. He will turn the majority of people on Berk into killing machines not just of dragons but people."

I stood up and quickly grabbed my things before heading out the door passing Valka, "I have to save her then."

My mother turned around and followed, "Hiccup, she can't be saved.. You saw how easy it was for her to leave!"

I turned back in defense, "And how easy it was for us to leave! We left everything and everyone behind not giving a damn, you left me and I left everyone on Berk! Something changed inside her and don't tell me you didn't see it either. She's just doing what she thinks is right, she had no choice!" Before Valka could stop me I hopped on Toothless, "I'm going." And with that we were off.

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