Chapter Twenty-Three - The Uniting of the Chiefs

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Astrid's POV:

'A month has gone by since the war between Drago and Berkians. The previous Alpha, the last known Bewilderbeast, had fled. Assuming enjoying his new freedom. The remaining men from Drago's army would still be seen as a threat, though none of them would have the guts to stand up against Berk ever again. We are vikings, we are stubborn and on top of that we have our Dragons.

What once was a land of kill or be killed has now become a Sanctuary for all. The island now inhabited more dragons than people. Dragons from all over has presumably been communicating, as injured unknown dragons have come from far off lands looking for help from our people. We are finally living in the peaceful life we never thought possible, and it's much better than we could have ever imagined. The best part is that this is only the beginning.'

I set down the quill as I looked back at the Berkian Manual, the history of our tribe. Our old history books will still stand, but the future of Berk will see where we will strive to continue to correct our wrongdoings. I could feel a smile cross my face when a small cry could be heard from my hold.

"Shhhhh" I whispered to Zephyr, rocking her back to sleep.

She was the best thing to happen to me, to Hiccup, and to Berk. Her blue eyes slowly closed as she heard the hums that I sang in softly to her, watching as I rocked her back and forth.

"The sky is dark and the hills are white." I sung softly, adjusting Zephyrs blanket which wrapped around her frail body. "As the storm king speeds from the north tonight, this is the song that the storm king sing. Over the world his cloak he flings, sleep little one sleep..."

The hall was quiet, my voice echoing through the building which is lit up by the front door which is open to let in the natural light of the midday sun. It was a cold winter day with snow falling ever so lightly just outside the doors. We sat by the warmth of fire making the hall a comfortable temperature for Zephyr.

"What a beautiful lullaby, Astrid." My gaze raised to find Valka making her way to where I sat with Zephyr asleep in my hands. "Reminds me of one I sang to Hiccup when he was a babe."

"It seems to be one of the only ones that will put her straight to sleep..." I responded softly, smiling back at Val who sat down beside me. "Is it time?"

She answered with a nod and a smile before reaching for Zephyr, "May I?"

Nodding back, I handed her Zephyr who was still fast asleep bundled up in her blanket which was made from Stoicks cloak.

"Besides, you've worked too much already. Now carry on, you don't want to leave him waiting..."

"Thank you, for everything." I turned to reach for the manual, closing the books and grabbing the quill before packing up to head back to my house.

The same day Zephyr was born was the same day Hiccup proposed. It was a lot to take in, though a war was one we had a lot of loss and rebuilding. Yet, Zephyrs timing, Hiccup standing before me, everything felt right.

I walked to my house, putting up my things before heading upstairs to change. If you would have told me at fifteen I would be marrying Hiccup Haddock I would have called you crazy, even if you were to tell me a year ago i'd still be in disbelief. Now? It's one of the only things I know for certain. With Berk becoming a new Sanctuary for Dragons across the lands, we have become a new threat to many. Tomorrow is never promised. The only thing I will always be sure of is my love for the little girl I was holding just moments ago and the man I will be standing before today, promising him forever.


My eyes met Hiccup, who reached his hands out for mine. His face soft and pure. He wore a traditional wedding attire for our tribes vikings that has not changed since we first settled. I wore a white dress with gold accents and my hair down, my natural waves flowing over my shoulders. I met him with a smile as I took his hands, our eyes staying locked into one another. Gothi stood in between us, watching us with a smile before wrapping a cloak resembling two becoming one over our hands. his face soft and pure.

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