Chapter Seventeen - Under the Same Moon

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Astrid's POV:

Eret and I were able to make our way out of Drago's reach before anyone else was alerted. We swiftly flew through the air with Toothless and Cloudjumper, watching as a little over a dozen dragons followed close by. How we were able to make this escape is still a shock to Eret and myself, though Eret was more concerned with trying not to fall off the back of the dragon and into the freezing waters below.

"You sure this is safe?!" he called out from behind me, his arms wrapping around my shoulders as we sat on Toothless' back.

"If it wasn't do you think I'd be here? Let alone while pregnant?" I called back to him.

"Fair..." His voice called out, "It's just really high up!"

I laughed as he spoke. My eyes closing for a moment as I take in this feeling that I only got to experience briefly while back at the sanctuary with Hiccup and Valka. I began to soak in the freedom and the fresh air that I haven't breathed since the day I was captured. A rush of adrenaline still pulsing through my veins, hours after we escaped. My eyes sprung open when I felt Toothless look back at us, his eyes filled with concern. Before I could ask what was wrong, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, causing me to almost lose my balance.

"Hey!" Eret yelled, grabbing my arms trying to balance me back onto Toothless, "We need to find somewhere to rest for the night... All of this excitement and stress from today hasn't been good for the baby..."

"We need to get back to Berk!" I called back out in pain, "It's only a matter of time before Drago realizes his prisoner, his number one trapper and a batch of dragons are missing..."

"I understand that..." His voice growing in concern, "I'm sure these dragons would like to rest as well, it'll be nightfall soon and we don't want to freeze out here."

I knew he was right; it'd only take us a few days to get back at most even if we stopped until sunrise. We'd need a fire to keep warm and the Dragons will need to eat before flying back. I pointed in another direction away from where we were headed to steer Drago off of our path, in case he came searching for us. Toothless didn't hesitate before quickly changing directions, causing the other dragons to follow suit.


I sat by the fire, wrapping myself in a cloak I took off the ship before we flew away. The temperature dropping quickly as the sky filled with stars and the moon shined through the night. The dragons all ate after we arrived and now are circled around us, already fast asleep as if they weren't just in cages hours ago. Such forgiving creatures.

"I found a squirrel we can cook up on the fire," Eret called out, making his way out of the trees and into the light of the fire, "it's not much but it'll help keep our energy up enough for the journey."

"Thank you," I said, wrapping myself tighter in the cloak, "do you think you'll stay?" I finally asked, watching as he began to cook the squirrel above the fire.

"What do you mean?" his voice spoke over the crackling of the flames.

"At Berk," I replied, "we could use more warriors like yourself."

He nodded as I spoke before adding, "I'm just making sure you get back safely..." His voice trailed off before he spoke again, "plus I did attack your men, I'm not sure how welcoming they'd be concerning my presence."

I thanked him as he handed me a leg of the squirrel before clearing my throat, "well it's a good thing you know the Chief!"

His voice laughed before taking a bite of the cooked squirrel in his hand, "I suppose so... I'm not sure though what I will do now, I've been a part of Drago's men for years now... It feels so foreign being out here without them."

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