Chapter Eight - A Family Reunited

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Hiccup's POV:

We rode just above the water when I started to hear voices in the distance. Astrid perked up and squinted her eyes when she finally saw a light on a ship moving just ahead of us. I could hear Snotlout and my Father arguing back and forth, Snotlout arguing on why he should have been crowned Chief and Stoick continually brushing him off cursing into the air.

Astrid grabbed my arm as I continued to make my way closer, "Hiccup don't!" she whispered, "they'll see the dragon and not think twice. You both will be killed!"

I shook my head in her response as Toothless kept flying behind them, "I have to try Astrid, it's not like we have many options here." 

We flew above the ship, careful not to make ourselves known. I looked down counting the men, as there were around twenty men aboard the ship. I calculated my thoughts and all the different outcomes that could come about, I never thought I'd be face to face with my father again. I took a deep breath and patted Toothless, signaling him to drop on the ship below.

The ship wobbled with the weight of Toothless jumping down on it and the men yelled as they stood back grabbing their weapons preparing to fight. Before my father, who stomped over, could make any efforts to harm Toothless I jumped off and Astrid followed behind causing a gasps in the men standing behind my father.

"Astrid?! What is this?" Stoick demanded as he stepped back, his eyes making his way towards mine.

"This has to stop Stoick, you won't win this fight and you wouldn't want to anyways." Astrid replied with her arms out showing she bared no weapon.

"Who is this dragon rider behind you, come step into the light boy. What did you do to our Chief!" Stoick yelled into the air.

Toothless growled at the men, "Its okay bud," I looked at him and then back to my father who stood a few feet in front of me. "hi.." I said as I stepped closer into the light causing Stoicks face to look confused and shocked, "dad it's me.." My voice cracked as I spoke.

Stoick looked at Astrid and back at me, "is this some kind of joke?!" He yelled, "Where have you been?! We thought you were killed!"

"I know, I know," I replied trying to come up with the right words, "I had to leave dad, you wouldn't listen to me no one ever listened to me. I shot down the Nightfury that one night yet no one believed me, a-and when I found him I couldn't kill him. He was just as frightened as I was, all the dragons are dad I tried telling you-"

Before I could continue to speak Stoick stepped in, "You've thrown your lot in with them! You've never been a Viking. You're not my son!"

Astrid's POV:

The air grew silent as Stoick spoke. I looked at Hiccup who was refusing to look away from his father. The men on the ship whispered back and fourth behind Stoick trying to figure out their next move and what to do as a beast was upon their ship and the previous Chief's son was standing in front of their eyes.

"Stoick, I know this is a lot." I spoke out, "It was a lot for me, Hiccup saved me. They showed me how they lived peacefully among the Dragons."

"Peace isn't possible!" Stoick yelled back, finally looked back at us.

"But it is! I tried to tell you this years ago, hell mom tried to tell you this when I was just a babe!" Hiccup yelled. His voice no longer cracked, he was filled with anger, "We ran away from Berk because no one could change, we saw the Dragons for what they truly were! If you continue on this path and to this unknown territory you will be signing your death sentence!"

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