Chapter Ten - Love Amidst the Storm

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Hiccup's POV:

The party ended hours ago, the snow had doubled within the past hour and the entire village was asleep by now and yet here I lay unable to close my eyes. Toothless was even asleep at this point. After tossing and turning for quite some time I finally laid on my back and stared up at the ceiling. The house creaked with every gust of wind that blew, we never had to worry about the wind at the Sanctuary since we were surrounded by a boarder of ice. It was much warmer at night there. A sigh left my breath as I sat up and rubbed my face. With no luck of sleep, I got out of bed and quietly made my way outside. I had forgotten how cold it gets out here this time of year. My eyes scanned the village and then my mind focused on the building next to ours. Astrid's house. I closed my eyes as I tried to convince myself to go back inside, but my mind only wanted one thing at the moment, and that was Astrid. Within seconds I found myself opening her door into her house and quietly shutting it behind me. There was a fire going which illuminated the room, I didn't notice the last time I was in here how cozy it was inside. She had a rug, made of what I'm assuming sheep wool, in the living area and plants scattered about. I never took her as a plant girl.

"Hello?" She called from the loft above the living area.

"Hey..." I whispered back, "I'm sorry to barge in, I should have knocked I just couldn't-"

"Couldn't sleep?" She said, finishing my sentence for me.

I chuckled, squinting my eyes to see her, "yeah... Do you mind the company?"

A smile entered her face, barely visible due to the lack of light up in the loft area but I could see it. "If you were anyone else, you'd have an axe through your scull by now if that says anything." Her hands motioned for me to come up the ladder into her room.

I made my way up the ladder trying to see but had no luck. "Do you have a candle up here or something I can barely see."

She shuffled for a moment and then the room lit up as she held a candle out in front of her, lighting up the room with just enough light to see her face. "That better?" She asked with a soft smile across her face.

I jumped up and scooted beside her, "much!" I laughed. "I've forgotten how cold it gets out here" I said as she started to play with my hair.

She nodded as she spoke, "it gets brutal," I could feel her fingers intertwining with my hair making what I assumed to be little braids, "but you live here your whole life it becomes natural... It used to be natural to you."

I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of her playing with my hair, "I don't know what's natural anymore..."

Silence filled between us. "So, what keeps you up at night Hiccup?" Astrid finally asked in a whisper, seemingly focusing on the braids she's been adding to my hair.

I bit my lip, lately her. But I wasn't about to tell her that. "Before, flashbacks of Berk."

Her hands stopped braiding and she placed her hands on my cheeks, moving my head that laid in her chest back so I could see her. "Berk?" She asked, confusion flooding over her face.

"I-" I tried to think, "I mean yeah, most nights I dreamt of Berk.. Mainly consisted of night terrors if i'm being honest."

She nodded as she placed my head back down and started to untwine the braids she just made just to start over again. "So i'm guessing being here isn't helping?"

I shook my head, "Not really..." I could see a change in her expression before adding onto my answer, "I'm sure in time it'll change, just so many bad memories you know? So many screw ups.. Plus this place, we always fought for our lives and out there we mainly just stuck with other dragons. We avoided conflict as best as we could.." 

"I like to see it as an adventure, gives me a rush to never know what's coming next and facing it head on." She spoke softly, but I could hear her enthusiasm as she spoke.

I sat up from her lap and turned back to her, "That's the difference between you and I at times. I like peace, you like chaotic.." I whispered and laughed as she smiled. I lifted my hand to remove the piece of hair that fell over her face and caressed her cheek. Her head leaning into the warmth of my hand.

"I'm glad you were on that island that day when the crew ran off.." Her gaze met mine, "You're the only person I want kidnapping me" she laughed.

"Hey!" I argued, "I did not kidnap you!" We laughed simultaneously, "You would have died if it weren't for us." I said jokingly.

"mmm" she responded, "whatever helps you sleep at night!"

I smiled back at her, I knew from the day she stepped back into my life I never wanted to lose this girl again. I cleared my throat before speaking, "Can I ask you a question?"

"Hmm?" She cocked her head, "You just did, but if you have a second one by all means. I'm all ears!"

I lifted my hand back up to her cheek and moved in towards her, "Can I kiss you again?"

Without a hesitation she pulled me in, kissing me as we fell back onto her bed. Her hands running through my hair, my hands grabbing her waist and pulling her closer.

Astrid's POV:

I could feel my hips lift into the air as Hiccup pulled me in closer with every kiss. A gasp escaped my mouth when he put one arm on my back and quickly lifted me up. His arms traced underneath my shirt onto my back, I could feel his hesitancy this time more so than last; it was almost like he wanted to ask but didn't want to break the connection between each kiss. I broke our kiss as I leaned back and pulled off my shirt. When I looked back up at him, his gaze never left my face.

A smile emerged on his face when he leaned back in, "you mesmerize me, Astrid Hofferson..." He whispered in between kisses, "You asked what keeps me up at night?" he pulled back and placed his hand on my chin, tracing my lips with his finger as he spoke. "I have lied awake for years, with terrors of my time here at Berk, of all the hiccups I've caused. But most of all, I've lied awake regretting never getting the courage to make you mine..."

My eyes widened. I was not expecting that, I couldn't help but smile. I leaned back down into the bed, "You are here now.. Make me yours now, Hiccup.." I whispered.

He shook his head and laughed, never breaking our gaze. "I planned on it."

Hiccup climbed ontop of me, taking off his shirt in the process. His kisses transitioned from my lips to my chest, making its way down to my pants. I lifted my legs while he continued to undress me. His lips kissed my inner thighs, making my legs tremble with pleasure.

"Oh gods.." I moaned as his lips made their way to my opening.

He flicked his tongue inside me, going at a steady pace before I felt a finger slip inside. With his finger starting to pick up the pace, his tongue followed whilst on my clit. I could feel my body trembling, my hands grabbing ahold of his long hair and he moved.

"Hiccup..." I moaned breathlessly.

"hmm?" he hummed without stopping.

"Come here..." I tried to gather my words as he made his way back to my lips.

Our lips collided, my hands tracing his chest making their way to his pants and moving them down. He chuckled at my eagerness, but with him I couldn't help myself. His hand traveled down to my opening once again before stopping and grabbing onto his length and sticking it inside me.

"Oh!" I moaned, arching my back as he started to thrust inside me.

Our breaths trying to steady as he continued to thrust. Both moaning at every sensation. My insides felt like they were pulsating. His lips joined with mine, before parting he bit my bottom lip causing me to moan louder and him to thrust faster.

"I'm gonna cum.." He whispered breathlessly, his body moving with each thrust above me.

"Please don't stop Hiccup!"

He obeyed and continued, thrusting harder and faster, causing my voice to turn from a moan to a scream. His hand quickly covered my mouth trying to contain the noise. With his last pump we both let out a moan, Hiccup fell beside me as we laid there trying to catch our breaths. He put his arm around me as he pulled me in close, causing me to drift into sleep.

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