Chapter Four - The Questions of Our Teachings

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Hiccup's POV:

The sun started to set, the sanctuary was painted orange and pink throughout. We were quiet, Astrid kept looking around at all the different dragons in awe just taking in this new environment. All I could do was smile, she has grown into a beautiful woman with a fierceness to her that never left. Her hair flowed over her shoulders, bouncing with each step she took. When her eyes met mine I looked away from embarrassment. I heard a slight chuckle behind me, did she know I was mesmerized by her? From the moment I first met saw her as a child I had fallen deep, somethings just never change.

Valka walked up from behind us and laid her hand on my shoulder, "come," she said with a smile, "it's feeding time!"

I nodded as she turned away to get Cloudjumper. Astrid glanced at me with a confusing look upon her face and I just smiled, "come on you'll see, it's fun!"

I extended my hand out towards hers, she hesitated at first but eventually took my hand as we made our way to Toothless. I helped Astrid get on top of the saddle and I followed shortly after. We made our way outside the Sanctuary and the hundreds of dragons that lived there beside us followed.

"You're gonna love this!" I said looking back at Astrid who sat behind me.

"What is happening?" She asked looking around as we all stopped over the body of water.

Just moments later the beweilderbeast emerged from the ocean and crashed back down, causing hundreds of fish to start flying through the air. The dragons around us flew towards their meal and I looked at Toothless with approval and we took off. Astrid was screaming at first but laughter shortly followed. The sunset reflecting off of her blonde hair, she looked stunning. Once Toothless and the others were done feeding we made our way to the cliffside not too far from here and hopped off.

"That was incredible!" She blared out in excitement. She followed me as we took a seat on the side of the cliff, "You've lived Hiccup.." She finally said.

"Yeah, I guess I have. It's been an incredible journey Astrid.." I looked over at her and she was already looking back at me with a smile on her face.

"How did you do it?" She asked as she started to look out in the distance where the sky met the ocean.

I let out a sigh and looked out, "it wasn't easy, I thought of Berk everyday. I still do. I knew I wasn't going to be the viking my father wanted let alone the Chief of Berk.. I think about him everyday, I think about you-" my voice trailed off. I can't believe I just said that. I looked back only to see her eyes locked with mine.

"Me?" She spoke softly, her head slightly tilted trying to understand the comment I just made.

"Um," my hand raised to my head brushing my hair out of my face trying to find the words, "I mean yeah, the whole gang you know?"

"That's not what you said" she replied with a laugh and nudged me on the shoulder.

"It was six years ago Astrid, a lot has changed. I've changed. Tell me you didn't know almost every available guy on Berk was mesmerized by you." I finally got out.

Her eyes wondered out and back at me, she shrugged in response. "I guess.. I know Snotloud did, still does. He's a lot though definitely not my type, too cocky."

I laughed, remembering Snotloud, he was a lot. "What's your type then Hofferson?" I asked out of curiosity.

She started to think, not saying anything at first. "Intelligent. Someone Kind, even though I'm not too good with that myself. Headstrong, but not in a way that makes them cocky, just someone who knows what they want." She finally said and I laughed as she looked back at me,  "What's so funny?" She asked.

"If only I had the balls back then and you didn't hate me." I responded

Her head shifted back, "hate you?" she asked, "I never hated you Hiccup, you were an outcast for sure and didn't talk much and when you would you always sounded a little crazy.. But you never took no for an answer even if it led you into trouble or something crazy, I mean clearly!" She finished off and pointed to Toothless.

We sat in silence after that before Valka called us to head back to the Sanctuary, as it was starting to get dark. We both got up and rode back without saying a word.


Astrid's POV:

We rode in silence on the way back to the Sanctuary, the sky now dark with the only light source coming from the moon and stars above. I couldn't help but feel sorry for Hiccup and Valka, they both left Berk and never returned due to being different than the others. A part of me doesn't blame them, this is still all weird for me to take in. I mean dragons, it's a bit crazy especially when we were raised to look at these creatures as monsters and treat them as such. My mind swarmed with thoughts and feelings that made me unsure of which way to go. I was the Chief of Berk and there's currently an island with the gang on it, if they haven't already traveled back home, and yet a part of me wanting to explore this life Hiccup and Valka shared.

Hiccup led me back to his cabin after we arrived at the sanctuary, his emerald green eyes shined in the little light illuminating from the torch hanging off the house. He was beautiful.

"Where will you sleep?" I asked him as he walked off.

He turned back towards me, "I'm sure i'll find somewhere in here, get some rest, goodnight Astrid." And with that he was off walking into the darkness of the Sanctuary.


As the night went on, I kept tossing and turning, unable to sleep. I kept thinking about Berk, about the gang and now about the whole Hiccup and Valka being alive situation. I couldn't keep it from Stoick, but I also don't think he'd ever accept their newly found 'lifestyle'. It was dark, only light illuminating from a candle which burned on the nightstand beside me. Finally I had enough so I grabbed the candle and walked out of the little cabin. Most of the dragons were sleeping, with the exception of a few babies who were playing out by the water.

I continued on walking throughout the sanctuary, eventually finding an opening. Fresh Air I thought to myself. As I walked further and further through the slim and rugged passageway I found myself outside looking out at the stars, waves crashing against the giant icebergs protecting what lies inside. The silence was interrupted by none other than Valka herself.

"Can't sleep dear?" She asked as she walked over towards me.

I shook my head and smiled, "Not really, my mind won't stop thinking.." I looked out into the night sky.

Valka nodded, "Hiccup tells me you're the Chief of Berk now.. Big responsibility that is, what an honor."

I chuckled at her response, "Yeah it's a lot.. It's all I could ever dream of, but being out here makes me question everything we've been taught.."

"As it should dear, the people of Berk thought I was crazy when I said Dragons and Vikings could live in peace.. It's almost like they didnt care to have peace."

I looked over at Valka in disagreement, "Not at all, I believe we want peace it's just how do you make peace with such unexplainable creatures? And how do you alter the mindset of our people who have been like that for over hundreds of years..?"

"True, but I think these creatures feel the same way about us.." I turned back to Valka, listening to the words she spoke, "We came from far away lands and took their grounds that they've had for thousands of years as if we built it from the oceans below onto the rocks and mountains it is today, and when they bother to come near us we attack. Kind of inhumane don't you think?"

I didn't have the words, in my mind we were protecting our people and what we believed to be ours, but she had a point. "How can we change? How can we create peace among us and the dragons?" I finally asked.

Valka smiled and patted my shoulder, "believe me, I've tried. People are just not capable of change dear.. Some of us were just born different." She started to walk back towards the opening of the sanctuary before stopping and turning back towards me, "You would be of the few that feels change is possible. Hiccup and yourself are a lot more alike than you lead yourself to believe.." Valka left into the Sanctuary, leaving me outside in the quietness of the night.

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