Chapter Nineteen - The Return of the Chief

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Astrid's POV:

Later that day we left the island to continue our journey back to Berk, bringing the freed dragons along with us. I turned to look back to check on Eret, who was riding on Toothless alone now, still trying to get the hang of riding on the back of a Dragon. I couldn't help but laugh as I watched him struggle to hold on, his face filled with fear. I could see Hiccup look back at me and smile from my peripheral. We sat on top of Cloudjumper, Hiccup sat in front of me as I held onto his sides with one of his hands pulled back holding onto my leg.

"You know you'll fit right in with the rest of Berk," Hiccup called out to Eret, "not many Dragon Riders yet!"

"Ha ha!" Eret yelled back sarcastically, "this would have to be on top of my list for the strangest things I've ever done!"

Hiccup and I laughed as he spoke, "But tell me this isn't also the coolest thing you've ever done?!" I called back.

Eret tilted his head, acknowledging that it indeed was. "So, what's the plan once on Berk?" He asked, Toothless flew closer to Hiccup and myself allowing us to not have to yell back and forth.

My focus shifting back at Hiccup who shrugged before responding, "We'll have to wait and see, there's a few things I wasn't really expecting that may have changed what I had in mind."

He meant no ill intent with his words, and I knew that, but I couldn't help but feel saddened by them. Knowing Hiccup, he had multiple plans already in the works, none of which I'm sure included me pregnant. He won't fight unless needed, if it came down to it, he'd be down one less person. He did have Eret now, though based on his reaction to him back at the island he didn't see it as such.

Before I could allow myself to get too into my thoughts Hiccup cleared his throat, shifting my focus back up to him, "Berk is gaining two new members after all," he turned to look back at me with a wink, "and at least one of them have the potential to be a successful Viking!"

I could hear Eret call out in protest, jokingly hurt by his statement. I couldn't help but laugh, thankful he knew how to cheer me up after all this time.


The island was torn apart, parts of it still blown to bits from the attack. I felt a bit annoyed on the slack they've clearly developed since my capturing, but it was overpowered enough for me to allow myself to enjoy seeing home yet again.

The people of Berk gathered below as we flew above their heads, screams of cheer could be heard. We lowered down to the island, Eret and the dragons doing the same. I took a deep breath as my eyes captured the villagers faces, preparing for this sudden surprise. My stomach was covered by Hiccups body which was still sat in front of me. Before I knew it he was jumping off and quickly turning back to me, extending his hands to help me down. The cheers among the crowd stopped suddenly when the rest of my figure was within site, audible gasps could be heard coming from villagers. The pause didn't last long, villagers quickly rushing up asking question after question. Are we safe? Will we need to plan for another attack? How did you get pregnant? And much more. For the first time in a long time, since being chief, I felt overwhelmed. My mouth unable to speak words as the only thing I could think of was getting back to my house. I looked over at Hiccup who was visually overwhelmed himself.

"Enough!" A voice called out among the crowd. "The chief has come home; we shall ask questions later!" I looked over at a breaking in the crowd and saw Gobber swiftly making his way towards us. His eyes filled with worry and relief all at once.

"Thank you..." I whispered as he wrapped me in a blanket, leading me through the crowd.

"Let's just get you back home for now, you can thank me later!" His eyes focused as he shoved fellow villagers out of the way.

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