Chapter Fourteen - All Hope is Lost

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Hiccup's POV:

The waves continued to crash harder and harder, causing me to fall back underneath the wake. My body felt tense and cold, I was already feeling my muscles becoming sore from fighting back the waves that showed no mercy. I felt a sharp pain in my side as the water around me seemed to woosh me away, diving me deeper and deeper into the depths of the sea. I could barely see as it was dark and the water burned my eyes, it wasn't until a purple light began to emerge in the water lighting the surrounding area around us. It was Toothless, he was preparing to strike at me. I quickly grabbed the knife from my pocket and barely grazed his chin which caused him to release and swim away. My body swam as fast as it could to the surface, I could see Toothless shaking off any remaining water on the beach side.

"Hey bud..." I said softly as I slowly began to walk onto the shore, "it's okay, it's me bud..."

His eyes met mine, they weren't fierce like before but almost scared like as if he knew what he did to Stoick and what he almost did to me.

"You didn't mean to hurt him," I called out as I extended my arm, "You'd never hurt him, you'd never hurt me..."

His voice echoed a soft call as he began to step towards me. We were interrupted by an arrow being thrown in between us. When I looked back at the direction it came from, I could see Drago laughing back at me.

"I won't let him get away from me again..." He said with a scowl.

"Just let us go!" I yelled, inching my way towards Toothless, "Haven't you've done enough?! Leave Berk and our dragons alone, they've done nothing wrong..."

Drago squinted his eyes at me and at Toothless, "Prove me wrong," he said gesturing towards Toothless, "You control him under the power of the Bewilderbeast then I will end this..."

He was testing me, not knowing how much determination I had to prove him wrong. To put an end to all of this, to him even. The Bewilderbeast began to emerge from the other side of the beach, my eyes locked on to it as I began to make my way to Toothless who was already falling to the ground. 

"Get up bud," I begged as I pushed on Toothless, "Come on, I'm not leaving you, you need to get up!"

His head shook and his eyes widened as he looked at me, a smile broke on my face as I jumped on and we flew off the beach. I could head Drago getting increasingly angry down below, causing the Bewilderbeast to try and take control over Toothless yet again. He shook his head as he struggled, causing us to fall closer to the island. Despite the chaos as we began to fall, I could hear a struggle coming from Astrid and a group of men which immediately grabbed my attention. The world seemed to turn as we fell, my sight moving in all directions trying to catch myself on the branches of trees yet failing. My body finally hit the ground, falling in between the branches of the trees seemed to break my fall just enough not to kill me yet I still felt injured. My vision blurred as I tried to look around for Toothless and Astrid.

Astrid's POV:

My arms burned from the chains holding them together, the men behind me pulling me further away from the mainland to their ships. I could see Hiccup and Toothless in the air and for a split second I felt as if we could get out of this alive. Before I knew it Toothless had seemed to lose consciousness and they were falling into the trees, hitting branches as they went down.

"Hiccup!" I screamed, jolting in the direction he just fell.

"Hey!" The man who held the chains yelled back at me, "Enough!"

I looked back at him with a red face full of tears and anger, though the men didn't seem to care. I watched as the people of Berk laid helpless in this battle as hundreds of dragons flew above, cornering them in their houses. There were bodies on the ground full of injured and deceased, my body shivered at the sight. I looked back at the men as they dragged me onto one of their ships, a man with a scar on his face and a cloak wrapped around his shoulders walked up and smiled at me and then the men.

"You must be the new Chief." The man said as he grabbed my face, "A female Chief, what a world we live in huh?" The men around him laughed as he spoke.

"You must be Dargo." I responded coldly.

He laughed as he let go of my face and stood tall, "Drago actually... But close enough, you all put up quite the fight."

"We protect our own, we wouldn't have to if you didn't steal our dragons and harm our people."

He tilted his head and nodded, looking up at the sky and walked off without saying another word to me. He called out to his men letting them know it was time to leave. I sat on the back of the ship, watching as we sailed off further and further away from Berk. The sky was now pouring with rain, soaking me in the process and making it impossible for me to see the Island the further we sailed. I turned as I could hear footsteps coming from behind me, before I could make out a face a bag was thrown over my head.

"What the hell!" I yelled as I struggled to get it off.

"Just precaution lad," The voice responded back, "you had quite an arm back there with those hits. I'm surprised you didn't harm any more men than you did. I'm going to grab your arm and we'll make our way down the ship where we'll hold you for the time being."

Hiccup's POV:

The world felt cold. Was this what death felt like? I thought to myself. The last thing I remember was falling from the sky with Toothless, Astrid was captured out in the distance and I was still unsure if she made was able to escape. Why did I let her go off alone during the attack?? My eyes started to open to the sound of my mother calling my name and my body being shaken. I finally opened them fully and looked up at my mother who was crouched down beside me with tears in her eyes before she pulled me in for a hug.

"I thought i'd lost you too..." Valka whispered as she hugged me tighter.

"I'm okay," I said pulling back, "Where's Astrid?"

Her facial expression quickly changed as she looked down at the ground before answering, "she was captured by their men, we couldn't save her Hiccup."

My eyes widened as I looked at her and scanned the people of Berk who surrounded us, "No one could save her?!" I screamed as I struggled to stand up.

"Hiccup," she said trying to calm me down, "they were blocking us off with all the Dragons... Anytime we got close enough we were shot at, we didn't have much of a choice."

I shook my head, "She's our Chief and you all just let her go?!" I started to pace the ground back and forth trying to gather my thoughts, "I'm going after them. I will get her and our dragons back!"

"And how do you suppose we do that?" Gobber asked, "I agree we need to get them back but they have a dragon army and Drago is a crazed man Hiccup."

"Well Drago isn't the only madman in this game anymore." I said looking out into the sea where the waves raged on and the rain poured, "I won't stop until I get them back, even if I have to kill the man myself."


***Authors Comments***

Here is the second chapter for this week due to my absence last week! I just wanted to say how much I am enjoying writing this story and I hope you all are enjoying reading it, it has been so much fun to write so far. I also want to say thank you all so much, after reviewing the stats, we have gained over 800 readers in just January alone so far which has been mind-blowing to say the least. I appreciate you all so much!

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