Chapter Three - Secrets Unfold

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Astrid's POV:

I woke up in an unknown environment, recalling the events that unraveled the night before. I made my way off the bed and looked around the room, trying to figure out the man I'm dealing with. As I made my way to the desk across the room I saw what looked to be a map. My fingers traced over all the islands, the world looked much bigger than we thought. I laughed when I saw an island called 'Itchy Armpit' and continued tracing along the map. My eyes traced towards the middle of the map which laid a big island and my eyes widened. 'Berk' was labeled just above. Before I could read the note that was listed below my door burst open with a baby dragon making its way to me and I let out a scream.

The man who assisted me last night barged in, "Stop!" He yelled back to me.

I held out a knife I found in one of the drawers ready to kill the dragon, "Who are you?!" I demanded.

I started backing into the corner of the room as he shoo'd the little dragon back outside. He shut the door and turned back towards me. He held his hands held out in front of him gesturing that I dropped the knife which only made me grasp the weapon more. The room was quiet and I could hear dragons outside of the cabin flying around, how I didn't notice that before is beyond me.

"Why is Berk on your map?" I pointed towards the desk with my knife.

The man stepped towards the desk, his focus never leaving my eyes. He put his hand on the center of the map and looked down at the drawn island.

"That's where I'm from." He finally stated looking back up at me.

"Impossible," I replied, "I know everyone on that Island! As a Chief should.." I added, my voice stern as I studied his face.

His eyes widened and he stepped in my direction, "Stoick? Is he?"

"Dead? Gods no.." I replied, "He handed me the Chief title not too long ago.. Wait how do you know Stoick? Who are you?" I finally demanded.

Before he could speak a woman came through the door holding out a platter with food, "Hiccup did-" she stopped as her eyes made their way towards us.

"Hiccup..?" I looked at the man in front of me, "that's impossible.."

The woman cut in, "oh you two know each other?"

Hiccups eyes studied me, of course I can see it now. Last night it was impossible to tell with the darkness of the night sky but now, the resemblance is uncanny. Still scrawny but much taller and the eyes are the same. "Do I know you?" He finally asked, his voice cracked as I could tell he was trying to figure out who I was.

"Your runner up," I let out lowering the knife to my side, "in the Dragon Training."

His eyes widened, assuming from realization. "Mother this is Astrid, Astrid Hofferson."

Mother? "Wait, what the hell? Valka?! Everyone thought you were dead!" I yelled at Valka.

Valka stepped back, "Alrighty then, that's my cue, Hiccup looks like you two have a lot of catching up to do." And with that she made her way out.

I dropped the knife and fell to the ground. Too much is happening at once. Hiccup is alive, Valka is alive! My breathing got heavier as I started to hyperventilate trying to grasps the reality of the situation.

"This isn't possible.." I whispered, "how is this possible?!"

Hiccup started making his way towards me before I threw my hand up gesturing him to stop. He obliged, allowing me to process everything that was happening. I couldn't tell if I was angry, all my emotions confused me.

"It's a lot to take in, I get it, I can explain it all to you.." Hiccup said breaking the silence.

I looked up at him angry, "you left didn't you?" I stood back up looking him in the eyes, "you just got scared and left!"

"I had to Astrid," He continued, "You wouldn't have understood no one would have.."

"Then enlighten me!" I yelled back, "As far as everyone on Berk is concerned you both died!"

Hiccup turned his head away from my direction as he responded, "I couldn't kill a Dragon." His arm extended out towards the door, "The Nightfury you saw last night, I almost killed him when I was fifteen right before we started training. But I couldn't!" His voice grew.

"They're killers Hiccup! They've killed hundreds of us!" I yelled back grabbing his face and directing it back towards mine.

"And we've killed thousands of them." He replied without hesitating. "There was peace possible between us, that Nightfury showed me that. My Mother showed me that."

I stood there speechless as what all he was saying. My hands made their way to my face rubbing the entirety of my face trying to comprehend everything, he was insane better yet he is insane. I took a seat on the bed beside me and Hiccup followed. We sat side by side in silence, only allowing the sounds of Dragons outside the cabin to fill the air between us. My mind was conflicted, was all we've been taught a lie? The Nightfury could have killed me but it didn't.

I let out a sigh, my eyes never leaving the floor boards, "what happened?" I asked softly.

"Well," Hiccup followed, "It all started when I shot Toothless down.."

Hiccup began to tell me the story of when he found Toothless and how he mirrored himself at that moment. He explained how he did so well in the class was all because of what he had learned from the Nightfury, as well as the day when he disappeared from Berk forever. He told me about the world, with the map in his hand, showing me islands and distances we never thought possible. I sat in silence, listening to his words and trying to understand all he explained. He went on to talk about his mother and how they were reunited while trying to help a dragon who was injured. His voice was proud, he's changed. He no longer sounded or resembled the coward I once knew, he was proud of the life he's lived even if that meant a life without Berk. He expressed how he thought of Berk on a daily basis but could never bring himself to go back due to all the differences and the consequences if he had returned.

The day continued on as he went further in depth about his stories. In between he'd ask questions about Berk, about the crew and his father and I would answer with a slight smile. We shared laughs and swapped stories asking questions along the way. We eventually made our way outside of the cabin where he showed me the dragons nest that they called Sanctuary. Walking along a small cliff side that led off to a body of water below us and a giant beast emerged its way above of the water.

"What the hell is that..?" I asked as my mouth dropped in disbelief.

"That is the Beweilderbeast," Hiccup smiled, "He's what made this place possible, one of the last of his kind."

"Hiccup, this place is-" I couldn't finish my sentence, I was in awe with my surroundings and the stories Hiccup had described to me earlier.

He smiled at me, his green eyes looking into mine, "I know, this-" he gestured his hands above his head and around the sanctuary, "is one of the many reasons why I never came back. My father would never understand, hell most people on Berk wouldn't.." He trailed off as we continued walking, my eyes looking back at the giant beast behind us.

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