Chapter Nine - New Beginnings Arise

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Astrid's POV:

I passed back and forth on the ship; we finally made it outside the sanctuary. "They should be back by now!" I stated. "I'm going after them..."

I jumped off the side of the ship, making my way towards the opening of the sanctuary. I could hear Snotlout behind me trying to tell me to wait, I ignored him. I could hear footsteps when I stepped inside coming towards my direction. They were soft, you could hear the echo of each step coming closer.

"Hiccup?" I asked.

"It's just me Astrid!" His voice called back, "We are all okay..." He stepped into my sight and gave me a hug.

I embraced him with a hug, my eyes looking behind him into the darkness of the opening, "what is going on?" I finally asked as I pulled away, "Are you okay?"

Hiccup took a step back and shuffled his hair, "Catching up I guess," his head shifted back up towards me and smiled, "I don't know what it is but he wants us to come back..."

"Without the dragons?" I asked trying to read his emotions. His eyes filled with sadness, and yet he smiled.

"With-" he said, "I don't think it's what he wants but the moment he saw mom his demeanor changed. He wants us to ride to berk with you all with Toothless and Cloudjumper to prepare the rest of the tribe for this new 'era' or whatever he's calling it..." His voice trailed off as he set his hands by his side. The crew behind us stood in silence, as did we. Hiccups expressions filled with worry, excitement and worry all at once. I bit my lip trying to find the words.

"This is good right?" I finally asked. I reached my arm out and grabbed his hand, looking up into his face which looked towards the rocks below our feet.

Hiccup shrugged and ruffled his hair. "I think so..." He finally responded, "it's just a lot to take in and a little bit overwhelming if I'm being frank..."

I sighed, "It'll all work out Hiccup, you'll get to come back to Berk and be a family again... I'll be there to help you, support you if need be." he looked up at me, "listen I know I left before, I had a duty to Berk. What happened on that island-"

Hiccup held his hand up, "this is a lot right now Astrid, we don't need to speak about that..."

"Oh..." I let my hands rest by my sides, "okay then."


Hiccup's POV:

The sun was starting to rise over the horizon, illuminating the island with an orange mist. Everyone on the island greeted us at the docks, with whispers and yelling above the crowd. Some excited, some fearful. I caught a glimpse of Gobber among the crowd who smiled, he nodded his head while he looked at me as if he approved of whatever we have done.

"People of Berk-" Stoick started directing people to quiet down, "my wife," he looked at Valka and then at me, "and my son have returned home!" the crowd cheered. "There will be changes moving forward as you can see; we have dragons among us here today. They will not be harmed... Valka and Hiccup have lived among them for years, starting this week we will have rescuers headed out to their camp and bring the rest of them to the island where we will care for them as they have been."

The crowd started to grow louder as he completed his sentence. A loud bang was heard a moment later and everyone grew silent once again. I looked over at Astrid, who was pulling her axe out of the barrel that was just struck. "Enough! We know many of you have questions but for now we ask everyone please return to their homes and their daily lives. It is an adjustment for all. A meeting will be held tomorrow night at the hall for any questions or concerns."

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